MT4 - NeuroShell Day Trader Professional - MT4 - page 3

1. Hi LeoV! I hope you are as principled as I am about the legality of the rest of the software on your computer.
2. Even if InteractiveBrockers data delivery would cost $70 a month (which is not true - for those who have an account at InteractiveBrockers it costs $10), then your expenses will be repaid after you open, say, just two positions on GBPUSD.
Hello Liberty!
1. I'm not going to support piracy in Russia. As long as stealing of intellectual property thrives in Russia - everything will be very bad (to put it mildly). And if I am a legal user it doesn't mean that I have to download everything from a legal site and give it to you. I do not owe you anything. And what I have on my computer - is my personal business and I'm not going to report it to you. You'd better take a look on your computer. ...
2. Is it possible for me to decide for myself where to open an account, which account and where to take the data? And what poses and where do I open them?
Generally - I was looking for a professional programmer, not a discussion about accounts, advice on what to do and asking you to download something from the legal website ......

Hi, LeoV.

1. I didn't mean to upset you like that. However communicating on a forum - people sometimes communicate, and not simply answer questions as in an investigator's office at Lubyanka in 37 and alas do not assume that for a step aside they will face a firing squad.

2. Theft of property is when you take something from the owner against his will and he no longer has it. What you are talking about does not fit into this category (theft) and is called a violation of laws, which is a separate issue. If you ask me (which surely will not happen) - I think that those who adopted it and comply. And theft is more like when some big financier comes here (where you think it is good) and for next to nothing buys patents for inventions, using the fact that it is bad here.

3. I am not the one who says what platform to use, what orders to place (that's just impossible), it's you who are trying to regulate everyone here, to impose your patterns, foreign labels and a sanctimonious view of the world.


Hi, LeoV.

1. I didn't mean to upset you like that. However communicating on a forum - people sometimes communicate, and not simply answer questions as in an investigator's office at Lubyanka in 37 and alas do not assume that for a step aside they will face a firing squad.

2. Theft of property is when you take something from the owner against his will and he no longer has it. What you're talking about does not fit into this category (theft) and is called a violation of laws, which is a separate issue. If you ask me (which surely will not happen) - I think that those who adopted it and comply. And theft is more like when some big financier comes here (where you think it is good) and for a song buy patents on inventions, using the fact that it is bad here.

3. I am not the one who says what platform to use, what orders to place (that's just impossible), you are the one trying to regulate everyone here, to impose your templates, someone else's labels and a sanctimonious view of the world.

1. - I was looking for a programmer - that was the topic of my thread.
2. - You are using stabbed, stolen software - let's call things by their proper names rather than trying to justify ourselves somehow. and it's not legal. read the law on copyright and related rights. "And theft is more like when a big financier from somewhere (where you think it is good) comes here (where it is bad) and buys patents for next to nothing taking advantage of the bad situation here." - what do you mean? what financier? what patents? are you out of your mind.....? Don't lump everything together. .... "Good" is a kindergarten excuse. Even if he (the financier) bought a patent, it is his by law because he bought it, not you. You live in society, not on a separate planet and use the products of society, so be kind to obey the laws of the society or not to use its products. If you use the products and do not obey the laws, it does not look good...
3. - what's the label? what's the lean view of the world? what's the pattern? - I'm looking for a professional programmer and I didn't ask you for advice on what you need to do and I didn't ask you to send me anything.
I repeat, for those who don't understand - "Actually - I was looking for a professional programmer, not a discussion about accounts, advice on what I should do and asking you to download something from the legal website ..... "
LeoV, have you by any chance ever thought that a professional programmer could write what you are asking for on a good quality hacked software? Or will you ask him for a license for the software he uses? Imagine how you could become defiled. You won't be able to pray for it in any church.
As to so-called "copyrights", that topic is artificially inflated by lawyers specializing in it (year by year there are more and more of them, because it is profitable to be a freeloader), and all kinds of heirs - patentees, who are also freeloaders. It is possible and necessary to fight with all this filth. The legal way is Open Source and the like. And you probably know about the illegal ones yourself.

I won't bother you anymore, I promise.
LeoV, have you by any chance ever thought that a professional programmer could write what you are asking for on a good hacked software? Or will you ask him for a license for the software he uses? Imagine how you could become defiled. You won't be able to pray for it in any church.
As to so-called "copyrights", that topic is artificially inflated by lawyers specializing in it (year by year there are more and more of these filth, because it is profitable to be a freeloader), and all kinds of heirs - patentees, who are also freeloaders. It is possible and necessary to fight with all this filth. The legal way is Open Source and the like. And you probably know about the illegal ones yourself.

I won't bother you anymore, I promise.

Dear alexjou!
The subject you raise and your view of it is a "one-way game", since you are not an author and developer of anything. If you become one, your view is completely reversed. If you invent something that you can make money on and other people steal it from you, don't pay a penny and use it - I would watch you, how you would sing and assert your rights to the invention. It's just that your view is on one side of the barricade. I am an author myself. And I get ripped off every day - and it happens in my home country. So piracy doesn't just annoy me - I hate it. And if it were up to me... ...... But unfortunately it's not up to me.
My advice. Write a program like NS - spend your time, money, knowledge and so on. And then give it away to the world for free. You will be greedy to do it. And you will be the first to tear the throat out of anyone who tries to steal from you what belongs to you. We don't have communism.... There is no need to engage in verbiage. Put yourself in the shoes of others......
As long as intellectual property is not protected in our country, we will not have programs like NS and so on...
Thank you all. I just happened to drop by and read it and enjoyed it.

To LeoV - you seem to be writing about something interesting and unfamiliar to me. Forgive me for being blunt - throw in some links (if you don't mind wasting your time) where to see what it is.
Thank you all. I just happened to drop by and read it and enjoyed it.

To LeoV - it seems that you write about something interesting and unfamiliar to me. Sorry for the obtuseness - throw references (if it's not boring to spend time) where to see what it is.

Sorry, didn't understand. "see what it is" - see what? If you mean NSH - here's or http://www.neuropr

Thank you. That's right. I've already apologised for my stupidity - I didn't think to put "neuroshell" in "neuroshell" :). Couldn't get to "neuroproject". Thanks again, I'll be on my way. You can sort out the clinics on your own. We like to kick our neighbours around here.


Thank you. That's right. I've already apologised for my stupidity - I didn't think to put "neuroshell" in "neuroshell" :). Couldn't get to "neuroproject". Thanks again, I'll be on my way. You can sort out the clinics on your own. We like to kick our neighbours around here.

I'm shocked,actually......

I repeat, for those who don't understand - "Actually - I was looking for a professional programmer, not a discussion about accounts, advice on what to do and asking you to download something from the legal website ..... "
Judging by your discussion, you are not only looking for a programmer, but also a user of a legal copy of the program. And you refuse to give the programmer the object of work. Is he required to have the program? It's a situation like when a woman goes to the doctor and demands to marry her before being allowed to examine her. I don't know, maybe you'll find one.