Comments and suggestions - page 4

Here's another small suggestion. Put a link to MQL4 forum in the main forum header. It seems to me that MQL4 forum is not visited for a very simple reason - not many people know about it and there's no link in a prominent place.
Here's another small suggestion. Put a link to MQL4 forum in the main forum header. It seems to me that MQL4 forum is not visited because of a very simple reason - not many people know about it, and there's no link in a prominent place.
For now, we are not announcing but have launched it in testing mode fixing all the bugs we have noticed.
As soon as we release MetaEditor with integrated access to, we will start to advertise it.
One more peculiarity:
I turn off drawings in Opera, so as not to waste extra traffic. So in the forum MQ - once downloaded all the pictures and all the following times they are drawn (once a month, I download a new one). But in this forum, they are not taken out of the cache - if you select the option "only downloaded, the drawings do not appear.
That's the way things are - I don't know what's wrong...
maybe it's the Opera cache settings?
the encoding format of the registration email still doesn't allow to see its content properly
OK, thanks for the clarification. We'll wait a little longer.
Profi R:
maybe it's the opera cache settings?
the encoding format of the registration email still makes it impossible to see the content properly
Now back to opera 7.5 - everything works again. The settings are the same.
Either 8.* needs more fine tuning or it's just glitchy ;)
did not pass in Mozilla
thanks (test passed Opera 7.23)
and when editing can it be done as well?
Do letters informing you that a new post has been added to the forum come in a normal, readable form? And most importantly in Russian?
not me ) with me and about registration normally read (Bat 2.01)

Note: Alt+Enter in Opera does not work )
passed in Mozilla
It would be good to have another column on the pages - for the date of publication.