Failed forex strategies, opinions and reasoning. - page 6


It is surprising that many people have not yet been able to appreciate the introduction of the "Every tick based on real ticks" testing feature.

This is a long-awaited revolution in the MT5 tester.

But for some reason many people keep repeating the old song that the tester shows incorrectly.

Enough to test among Market robots, in "Every tick" and "Every tick based on real ticks" modes, you can see a huge difference between the two modes.

Practice shows that the results of testing in the real ticks mode are more than 80% similar to the results of real trading.

And without a tester it is simply impossible to develop a profitable trading strategy.


Failed forex strategies are all those that are not based on objective information capable of correctly predicting the future more than 50% of the time.

I.e. while choosing a strategy you have to think how crazy and out of touch it is, for example any TA and trading on it is crazy, or fitting a lot of different parameters to the history is also crazy, averaging is also crazy, selection of mathematical models is also crazy :) that is what 90% of beginners and not very beginners are doing is complete nonsense.

Simply put, the strategy should be: If I drink now, it means I'm pouring liquid in my mouth, with very rare and almost unbelievable exceptions :)) The strategy should be clear - if something is happening now then what is happening is absolutely clear to me and I am sure that it is profitable.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

And without a tester it is simply impossible to develop a profitable trading strategy.

Yes, it is.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
In general, I agree, but with this:
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The selection of mathematical models too :) I mean, what 90% of beginners and not so beginners do is complete nonsense.

-No way.

This automatically implies that the creation of automatic TS is "nonsense and nonsense", because any automatic TS (including neural networks, etc.) is a description of some mathematical model, and nothing more.

Yuriy Asaulenko:
On the whole, I agree, But with this one:

-No way.

It automatically follows that creating an automatic TS is "nonsense and nonsense", because any automatic TS (including neural networks, etc.) is a description of some mathematical model, and no more than that.

If the TS is based on real patterns and not fictitious ones, then it should not be. The real is not what happens after the fact (what happens after the event, patterns of all), but what is a priori real for this environment, the market in particular

If they sell fish in the market, we can determine its existence and the chances of winning at buying it simply by observing that it really exists :) Then our chances of buying it are almost 100%, or we can always look into the ground and see the scales from the fish and assume that it exists on the counter, under which the scales, understand the difference? ) That's the second approach will never lead to a positive outcome in the long run

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

If the TS is based on real patterns and not fictional ones, then it should not be. The real is not what happens after the fact (what happens after the event, patterns of any kind), but what is a priori real for this environment, the market in particular

Either the selection of mathematical models is complete nonsense (then the ATS makes no sense), or the selection is necessary, at least to search for the proverbial "real patterns".

The second question is less interesting:

Maxim Dmitrievsky2016.10.29 22:11 RU

Failed forex strategies are all those that are not based on objective information capable of correctly predicting the future more than 50% of the time.

They are not. When a loss is a ruble and a gain is three. So many trading systems (from my sources, and here on the forum) trade quite successfully with a probability close to 0.5.

I am merely writing that these claims are incorrect.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Either the selection of mathematical models is complete nonsense (then the ATS makes no sense), or the selection is necessary, at least to search for the proverbial "real patterns".

The second question is less interesting:

Maxim Dmitrievsky2016.10.29 22:11 RU

Failed forex strategies are all those that are not based on objective information capable of correctly predicting the future more than 50% of the time.

They are not. When a loss is a ruble and a gain is three. So many trading systems (from my sources, and here on the forum) trade quite successfully with a probability close to 0.5.

I'm just writing that these statements are incorrect.

You got it all mixed up and didn't understand what I wrote ) A mathematical model can only predict a real stable system, for example calculate the trajectory of a rocket to Mars, knowing the initial conditions, and calculate with such precision that the rover will land in the intended square. Mathematical models that are applied to graphs and prices have nothing to do with reality, as it is a work with abstract numbers, which are formed after the fact under the influence of some real processes that are not available to us. Therefore, you are always analysing the plaque on the subject and not the subject itself. In this sense, applying mathematical models to a price chart can be called a kind of technical analysis, which is complete nonsense. If a model is applied to real objective data that leads to a change in price - then it is not nonsense
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Without a tester, it is simply impossible to develop a profitable trading strategy.

It should be made clear that the market has been around longer than the ability to simulate it in a reasonable amount of time.
Lilita Bogachkova:
It should be clarified, because the market exists longer than the ability to simulate it within a reasonable time frame.

When developing a trading strategy, you don't have to find any mathematical patterns. There are a lot of them. And they are the ones that do not last long. Because these patterns are always randomly changing each other.

You have to find the nature of the market, I mean the nature of price movement, which never changes. It is the same as it was 10-20 years ago and it is the same now.

With the advent of testing on real ticks, it is possible to compare the results with Every tick mode (which "earns" millions).

A profitable trading strategy in both modes ("Every tick" and"Every tick based on real ticks") should show almost the same results. Such a strategy also works stably in "Random delay" mode.

Alexander Laur:

But in my opinion, every beginner has to go that route on his or her own and get his or her own bumps in the road. :)

Maybe we shouldn't force every beginner to reinvent the wheel after all. It's worth pointing out to beginners that pulling is easier than pushing and not forcing them to get their OWN bumps in the road.