Failed forex strategies, opinions and reasoning. - page 2

So your example only confirms what I wrote above. :)
It must be hard when you're speeding ahead, you can't see anything.
Lilita Bogachkova:
It must be hard when you're speeding ahead and can't see anything.
I don't get it. :) Be specific about the hidden meaning you are putting into your posts, which I don't seem to see. :)
Didn't understand the lunge. :) Be specific about the hidden meaning you are putting into your posts, which I sort of don't see. :)
Hidden meaning? What hidden meaning is there if one's entire life is spent concentrating on ensuring the life of something that cannot exist on its own.
Lilita Bogachkova:
Hidden meaning? What hidden meaning is there if all life is spent concentrating on ensuring the life of something that cannot exist on its own.
Well, there's a certain nobility to it. And the end of life is the same for everyone, in principle. Poor people and rich people alike.
All life, in principle, is a failed strategy. :) It's just a question of what's left in the world and in other people's memories.

Didn't understand the lunge. :) Be specific about the hidden meaning you are putting into your posts, which I sort of don't see. :)
Maybe it's thinking out loud to yourself :)
Lilita Bogachkova:
Hidden meaning? What hidden meaning is there if all life is spent concentrating on ensuring the life of something that cannot exist on its own.
Exactly about me)
Oleg Tsarkov:
Maybe that's just thinking out loud to yourself:)
Given the response that followed, it's quite possible.
Oleg Tsarkov:

failure can be for two reasons:

one - non-compliance with the MM

second - a large number of trades, the deposit is eaten up by the spread and commissions.

Quite critical remarks, thank you.
Lilita Bogachkova:
Quite critical observations, thank you.

Please, only these are the plain truths.

If the strategy cannot earn on the patterns, it means that the deposit chart does not go down, but walks somewhere in the same level, moving away from this middle into seasonal financial deviations, depending on the current market trendiness. That's when people start using martins and other mathematical balances.

Oleg Tsarkov:

Please, only these are the plain truths.

If the strategy cannot earn on the patterns, it means that the deposit chart does not go down, but walks somewhere in the same level, moving away from this middle into seasonal financial deviations, depending on the current market trendiness. That's when people start using martins and other mathematical balances.

What do you mean by "mathematical grails"?