Failed forex strategies, opinions and reasoning. - page 10

Lilita Bogachkova:
It turns out that forex is very similar to fishing, if there is no bite (no pending order) there is no cost except for your time. But if there is a bite then it all depends on your fishing strategy and your costs are equal to the loss of bait and your time.
Generally speaking big investors go fishing with nets )...........
Rustam Eivazov:
Generally speaking, big investors go fishing with nets ))...........
If you play poker, it's pretty clear that with 100 quid against, well 3000, there's no point in playing. It's better not to even sit down at the table. Even if he's bluffing.
Rustam Eivazov:
Why not enter from levels from the market?
If price bounces off a level at high speed, the market order will have a large slippage. And you should always be in front of the monitor (catching the moment of entry), if you don't trade in a full automatic mode.