call for the cooperation of programmers - page 7

Alexander Antoshkin:

Programming and algorithming is the most effective way to develop logical and creative thinking. For you, it's a lifesaver. But don't get too sick of it. There are so many beautiful girls and women around. Speaking of mental illness. Bill Gates is mentally ill. He's autistic. So don't worry too much about your flaws.
I'm not. Delirium, or delirium, occurs when you abruptly withdraw from alcohol after a binge, but never during the process itself. Just don't slow down and you'll be fine.)
Alexey Volchanskiy:
I'm not worried. Delirium, or delirium, occurs when you abruptly withdraw from alcohol after a binge, but never during the process itself. The main thing is not to slow down and everything will be all right )

It's not the whole bunch - your Delirium is bearable, but generally, sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, inappropriate static posture near the monitor, stress, breath-holding, sudden adrenaline surges, uncontrollable movements, increased heart rate, yelling, screaming, throwing things, jerking other people, itching mobile phones and all kinds of other nuisances ..... is the environment in which the vast majority of intraday traders work. As a result of prolonged exposure to such a "cocktail" we get (from top to bottom) - deterioration of eyesight, headaches, reduced quality of sleep, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, heart and digestive system diseases, obesity, muscle decrepitude, deformation of the figure, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, on top of all else and depression and mental disorders! On some blog read more and is "in the spring and summer, due to lack of insolation, problems with the skin and progressive rickets associated with a lack of vitamin D derived from the sun.Lack of fresh air leads to weakening of the immune system and contributes to internal diseases.

Oh yeah, I forgot also, tunnel syndrome of the right hand, (cause repeated restricted movement of the index and ring fingers controlling the mouse keys and improper hand position). By the way, supposedly a magic mat helps to fight the latter. I was recently given such a mat. ))))

I don't know where people are going with this, what's so great about trading)).

Alexander Antoshkin:

It's not the whole bunch - your Delirium is bearable, but generally, sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, inappropriate static posture near the monitor, stress, breath-holding, sudden adrenaline surges, uncontrollable movements, increased heart rate, yelling, screaming, throwing things, jerking other people, itching mobile phones and all kinds of other nuisances ..... is the environment in which the vast majority of intraday traders work. As a result of prolonged exposure to such a "cocktail" we get (from top to bottom) - deterioration of eyesight, headaches, reduced quality of sleep, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, heart and digestive system diseases, obesity, muscle decrepitude, deformation of the figure, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, on top of all else and depression and mental disorders! On some blog read more and is "in the spring and summer, due to lack of insolation, problems with the skin and progressive rickets associated with a lack of vitamin D derived from the sun.Lack of fresh air leads to weakening of the immune system and contributes to internal diseases.

Oh yeah, I forgot also, tunnel syndrome of the right hand, (cause repeated restricted movement of the index and ring fingers controlling the mouse keys and improper hand position). By the way, supposedly a magic mat helps to fight the latter. I was recently given such a mat. ))))

I don't know what good is in trading))

All in one word, I did a survey once between deliriums and the results speak for themselves )

Alexey Volchanskiy:

All in all, I did a survey once between deliriums and the results speak for themselves )

The message in terms of meaning conjures up associations for me. I was an alcoholic, I drank everything, one day I found the strength and got coded, after coding I thought about alcohol every day, but held on and after four years, I found myself thinking that I do not think about drinking at all and decided that I was no longer an alcoholic and can, like all people start drinking!)The main thing is not to slow down and everything will tiptoe)

You will not be a tiptop, you will get your stomach cut off, then something else, then another, and as BobiThek said, you will be a perfect trader without a CCS.

The conclusions are inescapable:

1. We will make a bot without a cardiovascular system.

2. Either treat trading with no harm to your health

Alexander Antoshkin:

The message in terms of meaning conjures up associations for me. I was an alcoholic, I drank everything, one day I found the strength and got coded, after coding I thought about alcohol every day, but I held on and after four years, I caught myself thinking that I did not think about drinking at all and decided that I was no longer an alcoholic and can, like all people start drinking!)The main thing is not to slow down and everything will be tip-top)

You will not be a tiptop, you will get your stomach cut off, then something else, then another, and as BobiThek said, you will be a perfect trader without a CCS.

The conclusions are inescapable:

1. We will make a bot without a cardiovascular system.

2. Either treat trading with no harm to your health

3. Developing a sense of humour. I'm kidding about the delirium.)
Alexey Volchanskiy:
3. Developing a sense of humour. I'm kidding about the delirium )

My lyrics are 90% true - I can tell you that. I don't know about humour.

What am I... Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about...

if you look at an empty template

int OnInit() { return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); }

void OnDeinit(const int reason) { }

void OnTick() { }

don't you think it's a sign of tamasic beginnings to close the topics of life-named as humour?

The dry explanations of the F1 key stop the fantasy process))))

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий
Основы языка / Функции / Функции обработки событий - справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5
Alexander Antoshkin:

The message in terms of meaning conjures up associations for me. I was an alcoholic, I drank everything, one day I found the strength and got coded, after coding I thought about alcohol every day, but I held on and after four years, I caught myself thinking that I did not think about drinking at all and decided that I was no longer an alcoholic and can, like all people start drinking!)The main thing is not to slow down and everything will be tip-top)

You will not be a tiptop, you will get your stomach cut off, then something else, then another, and as BobiThek said, you will be a perfect trader without a CCS.

The conclusions are inescapable:

1. We will make a bot without a cardiovascular system.

2. Either treat trading with no harm to your health

What about your health? How do you cope with the strain?
Alexey Volchanskiy:
3. Developing a sense of humour. I'm kidding about the delirium.)
You seem to be doing pretty well.
Joke or development?
Dmitriy Skub:
To joke or to develop?

It is natural to develop ...

After all, what was in the past forty-something? HealthWo! Big trees, Vitsin, Margunov, Nikulin -"Antoshka,Antoshka,let's goto digpotatoes" ,,,,,,, What's changed now???? Nothing but the status has changed .... now we're exhuming potatoes buried in the spring)) and everything else is normal

so i'll put it this way

int OnInit( const intJoke & const int develop)

{ return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); }