call for the cooperation of programmers - page 6

Alexander Antoshkin:
We'll come back to hieroglyphs!!! But in the meantime (nothing to do), tell us about the Hindus....... Pushkin was a Hindu, a Zigan)) where the code uses the "Hungarian" notation, the essence of which is,
that a prefix is added before the variable name to denote its type:
n - integer variables (int, long, ulong, short, ushort),
f - floating-point variables (double, float),
e - enumerated variables (enum),
dt - time variable (datetime),
h - handle of the file or indicator,
s - string variables.
Additionally, additional scope prefixes are used:
i_ - input parameters (input),
m_ - member of a class.
This style of name resolution is called the "Hungarian" notation, after the country of Charles Simonyi, the head of the Microsoft programming department who invented it. (Not because using it makes programs look like they are written in Hungarian.)
Alexey Volchanskiy:
This style of name choice is called "Hungarian" notation after the birthplace of Microsoft programming chief Charles Simonyi, who invented it. (Not because using it makes programs look like they're written in Hungarian.)

Don't make this up, the Gypsies are principled only in their own circle. Outside, they would often steal horses from the villagers. By painting them a different colour, they managed to sell the horse, sometimes even to the true owner!

let's have a fairy tale

Alexander Antoshkin:

Don't make this up, the Gypsies are principled only in their own circle. Outside, they would often steal horses from the villagers. By painting them a different colour, they managed to sell the horse, sometimes even to the true owner!

let's have a fairy tale

You don't need a fairy tale, you need a bath for chauvinism and intolerance towards other people, i.e. inciting inter-ethnic discord, which is an article.
Vladimir Zubov:
You don't need a fairy tale, you need a bath for chauvinism and intolerance towards other peoples, i.e. inciting inter-ethnic discord, for which there is an article.
You are the one who thinks that a gypsy should be offended that he is a gypsy - that is not logical - and means nothing, I can remind you who won the battle of Kulikovo for you. and to simplify such a difficult task you need to open a pandora's box at least here:
Ящик пандоры – Где искать Лукоморье?
Ящик пандоры – Где искать Лукоморье?
  • Aleksander
Лукоморье — одно из первых географических названий, которые мы узнаем в жизни. На современных картах его не найти, зато оно есть на картах XVI века. Упоминание Лукоморья есть и в «Слове о полку Игореве», и в русском фольклоре. Слово «лукоморье» звучит для нас загадочно и даже сказочно, но этимология его достаточно прозаична. Оно происходит от...
I suggest we return to the subject of programming robots. After all, a robot, like a woman, is a human friend)
Dmitriy Skub:
I suggest we get back to the subject of robot programming. After all, a robot, like a woman, is a human friend)

Several of Pushkin's tales are known to have been inspired by his nanny. The literary historian Pavel Annenkov wrote that many episodes from Arina Rodionovna's tales are recounted in their own way by Pushkin and carried over from work to work. Here is an excerpt from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", as told by Annenkov: "She had a cat: 'By the sea, by the Lukomorye stands an oak, and on that oak are golden chains, and on those chains a cat walks - up goes - tales told, down goes - songs sung.

As we see, the cat walks up and down in Pushkin's nanny, that is, we deal with a description of the world tree, typical of the Finno-Ugric tradition, the cat walks up and down on it, and is both the keeper of the border between the worlds, and the mediator between them.

Dimitri notice how the source of pandora singles out what the cat does )))): soup it goes - it tells tales, down it goes - it sings songs...

yes, I thought, if the cat has thought before, the "insider" possessing the information will do the same - well, he is no smarter than a cat...............

One thing follows from this: the signal in the trend policy cannot be symmetrical.


Eh, it's a pity the moderators scared the girl, while she was doing so well( will she come back?

Alexander Antoshkin:

Dmitry notice how pandora's source highlights what the cat is doing)))): so itgoes up - tells tales, goes down - sings songs...

yes, I thought, if the cat has thought before, the "insider" possessing the information will do the same - well, he is no smarter than a cat...............

One thing follows from this: the signal in the trend policy cannot be symmetrical.


Eh, too bad the moderators scared the girl, she was so good at it( will she come back?

Looks like one of the wards of the asylum has moved here) Buttenka, do you have banal delirium or noble schizophrenia? ))

It's a good branch. However, there is no point in reading it.

Even if the Chinese woman is a bot, she didn't make a stupid point.


It's a good branch. However, there is no point in reading it.

Even if the Chinese woman is a bot, she didn't make a stupid point.

The bot's batteries are just dead.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Looks like one of the wards of the lunatic asylum has moved here) You have banal delirium or noble schizophrenia, don't you? ))

Programming and algorithming is the most effective way to develop logical and creative thinking. For you, it's a lifesaver. But do not be too sick of it strongly and strongly. There are so many beautiful girls and women around. Speaking of mental illness. Bill Gates is mentally ill. He's autistic. So don't worry too much about your flaws.