call for the cooperation of programmers - page 4

Dina Paches:

Not having telepathy, I cannot understand the convoluted logic by which you wrote that sentence. Do you smoke something strong?

No, you don't! There's an exponential rate of forgetting and the exponential rate depends on the number of repetitions. Until new connections are created in sufficient numbers in the brain. I find it strange to hear how you can create a robot without endowing it with the function of telepathy.........)

After all, when your brain has not processed the target of the response and it gives out - Print(" Smoking something strong?); what will you teach your advisor? how it will look for the target of the exit?) no order is not possible ...

What do these "relevant" examples have to do with the process of finding an interesting idea in trading?
Yes, as a matter of fact, there was a perfectly understandable explanation in the context.

Sometimes, watching you, I think I'm stupid.

And sometimes. On the contrary.




Sometimes, watching you, I think I'm stupid.

And sometimes. On the contrary.

And what's more often?

I will keep you on a short leash and.

Take you for walks more often!


I will keep you on a short leash and.

I'll take you for walks more often!

That's a very good point about walking)) That's why you have to walk in between)). Or vice versa - program in between.

Hence the main axiom - any trader, sooner or later, becomes a programmer).


...Everything passes... and this will pass..."
( The inscription on King Solomon's ring)

What do you think a non-programmer can think about, what to compare, what to build logic and understand from when looking at these lines of code?

#property version "1.00"

//| expert initialization function |


int OnInit()





void OnDeinit(const int reason)




//| expert tick function |


void OnTick()




i.e. the first template that the system offers to build .....

Programmers do not have to answer and it is clear what the answer is (Empty Code and NO LOGIC)!


In what language should a trader write?

mql is just a way to express thoughts, just like the human language, be it Russian or Belorussian :) All the frameworks there are a way to quickly formalize your thoughts. It's only possible to simplify in"russian mate".

Is a semblance of CCC suitable for the Trader?

We are waiting for the MRI to determine suitability for professional activity.

Dmitriy Skub:
The idea (architecture) of this bot is interesting. Pretty meaningful phrases makes up))
When Kisa was in the movie, she was the dumbest chat bot in the world and knew only three phrases. She's not like that any more. Anonymous hackers wrote her a new brain and Kisa can already hold a conversation in Russian and English, count and calculate most mathematical functions. Her brain is developing. If it continues to develop at this rate, in eighteen years Kisa will become a mega-advanced artificial intelligence that will take over the world.