What does a freelancing client pay for for an EA in exp format or for open source code? - page 23

Youri Tarshecki:
It's not just about resources. I used to pay a VERY large sum of money for each modification of a rather naive EA, without going into the logic of the code. Very quickly I became sobered up and realised that it was important to work systematically. I started with autotester and wolf-forward - they charged me crazy prices for it - in the end I made it myself. And now I just methodically check variants of their ideas - a lot of ideas, if you pay at least 20 quid for each - very quickly go bankrupt. For example, I can not pay $ 100 for a normal version of the correlation indicator, just to find out that it does not work in my system and throw it away... As a result, the compromise - to order a certain PRINCIPLE SOLUTIONS with ability of self-adaptation and editing. And that's only possible when the code is OPEN AND UNDERSTANDABLE . I.e. resources are undoubtedly important, but without transparency in the process there is a very good chance that they will simply be wasted.
I agree. If you can not pay for each job, you have two choices: either you learn to write yourself, or open an office and hire coders for a salary.
Alexey Oreshkin:
I agree. If you can not pay for each job, you have two choices: either you learn to write yourself, or open an office and hire coders for a salary.

nothing else fits except the first option, and nothing ever will in forex.

to correct the source code, you have to write it yourself

to write the source code - look at the code-base.

if you can not - there is a super branch "Questions from Beginners".

if we don't understand the code - look at the documentation.

It's all there.

nothing else is suitable apart from the first option and never will be in forex.
Not all coders are the same. I'm just for the third option - what you can write yourself, and something beyond your erudition - you order for money. But in any case, the openness of the code is inevitable.

A man walks into a barbershop for a shave (old joke).

There are several empty chairs.

the first chair is comfortable and soft - several snow-white towels are hanging. a super-duper imported razor - sparkling - perfectly sharpened - smells of expensive cologne - the highest pilot in general

he asks how much it costs to shave, the answer is 5 roubles.

the answer is, no problem, you can do it for 3 roubles, the chair is ordinary, there is only one towel, but it is fresh and not snow-white, the razor is ordinary but very sharp, the cologne is ordinary.

He asked if there was another chair nearby - was it even cheaper? - The answer is yes - a ruble - he takes a seat - he says it suits me fine.

the chair creaks and wobbles slightly - the towel has yellow stains already - the razor is ordinary - no cologne at all

they start shaving him - the razor's not sharp, it hurts, but he tolerates it.

and then he hears shouting - he turns around and sees - there, behind a sheet soiled with blood splashes - a place where a man is being shaved on a stool - a very blunt razor, rusty and dirty with blood - the man is shouting in pain, screaming and swearing!

he asks what it is - the barber says - they shave for 10 bucks, misspoke, for 10 kopecks!

( it's an old joke 10 kopecks in those old days like now it's $10 - the association is simple )

Yuriy Zaytsev:

In all these cases you are shaved And in the case of the compiled code you pass out in a black room, and when you wake up you are already shaved but covered in blood and scratches.


In my opinion, elementary programming skills are necessary to any trader nowadays, at least to describe the trading logic. I think that millions of those who have mastered the language test their ideas all the time and most of them fail, and those who trade with custom-made robots - even more so (simply because they cannot try and test many of their ideas, unlike those who can), not only do they spend a lot of money to pay freelancers, but they also lose out on trading. In addition, the way I see it, freelancing is where most former software traders hang out.

Freelance services may be required when you need to write a special graphic library (at least on the basis of local articles, because not everyone wants to and can master the material from the articles), translate the existing open source libraries in MQL, etc. Something that does not bring any special ideas, but still requires some routine work of programmers. Even some of the older developers use the services of freelancers to save their time.

Therefore, the conclusion: if you want to write a profitable robot, learn the language (it is unrealistic to find all your ideas in Job). If you want to make money on traders without risk and know the language - work as a freelancer, and if conscience allows - steal ideas from customers and never give the source code.

Andrey Dik:


- steal ideas from customers and never give away the source code.

Sir, for the money????
Of those who write, have you ever had a customer give a non-flush idea? - The answer is obvious: no.
So no one needs super-great ideas from customers, and if they do, then again, it shows that he is a novice and believes in fairy tales.
Alexey Oreshkin:
Of those who write, have you ever had a customer give a non-flush idea? - The answer is obvious: no.
So no one needs super-great customer ideas, and if they do, then again, it shows that the novice writes and believes in fairy tales.
Why do you warn customers about his leaky idea? Why do you condone the future financial losses of the customer? Don't you feel sorry for him?
Alexey Oreshkin:
Of those who write, tell me just once the customer gave any niþe not pluva idea? - The answer is obvious: no.
So no one wants super great ideas of customers, and if so again it says that he is a novice and believes in fairy tales.

No problem giving out the codes. most of the time there's no problem

That's not the only reason...