Making a crowdsourced project on Canvas - page 45

In a fortnight, I will introduce a fully visual GUI builder. No markup language will be needed. You have my word.
Реter Konow:
In a fortnight I will introduce a fully visual GUI builder. The markup language will be unnecessary. You have my word.

It looks like someone either doesn't understand the clock or is just a ba...bol...

Vladimir Pastushak:

It looks like someone either doesn't understand the clock or is just a ba...bol...

For nothing. You can take that back now.
Go to this thread (look at the date, bala bol ;))

And here

You'll see the editor here. Go through the thread, I published it on time.

Post number #67 of that thread was published on the 18th, i.e. exactly 2 weeks later, so I kept my word. Then the editor took it out of the public domain for revisions.

Does anyone have the latest compiled version? As the one in the archive does not want to compile anymore (((


Compilation error, if you can help with the solution, thank you.

download.png  71 kb