Making a crowdsourced project on Canvas - page 29

Реter Konow:


The main thing was, is and will be the speed and ease of creating a GUI.

And that's there for those in the know, too. It's enough to get into it once in a while. And beyond that, with a quality reference guide, it will be even easier.


This is precisely where real competition can be found. And finishing the controls is not an issue for either you or me.

OK, that's all for now, or you'll get banned again.

Реter Konow:

This is precisely where real competition can be found. And finishing the controls is not an issue for either you or me.

OK, that's all for now, or you'll get banned again.

You will not be banned for a normal dialogue - do not go overboard, please. As soon as the discussion shifts to your designs and drawing attention to them, it is flooding this thread and a violation of forum rules in terms of banning advertising and discussion of paid products not in their "native" threads.


I will summarise this thread:

A great idea for a crowdsourced project was initially doomed to fail.


  • Lack of public motivation.
  • Lack of a person to lead the development.
  • Incredible complexity of the project, where the number of participants does not determine the quality of ideas and implementation.
  • A wrong approach in the first place. Neither OOP, nor CCanvas class would have helped to fully realize it.

It's like in the case when there is a task to build a house. There are workers, tools and building materials, but no architect.

You cannot create anything useful that way.

Only powerful motivation, creative energy, and the talent of one person leads to success.

Then there will be results.


Such is life...

Реter Konow:

I will summarise this thread:

A great idea for a crowdsourced project was initially doomed to fail.


  • Lack of public motivation.
  • Lack of a person to lead the development.
  • Incredible complexity of the project, where the number of participants does not determine the quality of ideas and implementation.
  • A wrong approach in the first place. Neither OOP, nor CCanvas class would have helped to fully realize it.

It's like in the case when there is a task to build a house. There are workers, tools and building materials, but no architect.

You cannot create anything useful that way.

Only powerful motivation, creative energy, and the talent of one person leads to success.

Then there will be results.


Such is life...

Naive man.
The project lives and grows, generates income, so it's gone from crowdsourced to proprietary
Naive man.
The project lives and grows, generates income, so it has gone from crowdsourced to proprietary
You'd be better off saying "open your own thread and summarize" ))))).
He'll be all over the site right now summing it up.
Naive man.
The project is alive and well and generating income, so it has gone from crowdsourced to proprietary

Well, that's good. But where am I wrong? I was talking about the crowdsourced project, not about what and who it then moved into.

By the way, who's doing the development? Are you yourself?

(I ask so that I know who to wish success to :))


I read the topic. OK, so we created a GUI and then what?

What problems have been solved and what have we created?

Why do you need crowdsourcing?

you can use any panel from kodobase to expand it or simply rewrite the buttons - it will be many times faster

A naive man.
The project lives and grows and generates income, so it has moved from being a crowdsourcer to a proprietary one

Maybe I'm really naive... I don't understand how an unfinished project that is under development can generate income...?

Of course it's none of my business, but I wonder how such a thing is possible?

Probably only in one case - if the development of this project is paid for itself...


I now read the definition of "proprietary" on wikipedia. It turns out it is related to patenting, which in turn is related to the protection of intellectual property rights. It's a very interesting topic. It's time I seriously thought about it, too. Clearly there is something to patent.

So, thanks for the "tip" on the idea. ))