Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 18

Judging by the way the Negroes are killed at the slightest provocation, it looks like the Ku Klux Klan has legalised under the guise of the police, just as in our country an organised criminal gang is sometimes legalised under the guise of a "security company".
Now it's under the guise of debt collectors.
They used to be afraid of God, now they will be afraid of cameras. Any deterrent, if it helps to prevent crime, is beneficial.
It would be better to bring God back then. At least he sees everything and everywhere, unlike cameras. Although in a normal civilised society this deterrent should be conscience.
Judging by the way blacks are killed at the slightest opportunity, the Ku Klux Klan seems to have legalized itself under the guise of the police, just as in our country an organized criminal gang sometimes legalizes itself under the guise of a "security company".
Yes, they must frighten white children with blacks since childhood, as we have Babai, so much fear is mounting there, that it's like beating up a black man even bound from a bad area, like burning a cross for the KKK or slapping a cockroach with a thumb, and there was no such outrage before - they learned with us ... Soon they'll start sticking bottles up the anus of unruly Negroes... Power without limits spoils bad people ... who among them does not want to feel like a god or a master of fortune ...
Сергей Криушин:
Yes, they must frighten white children with blacks since childhood, like they do with Babai in our country, so much fear is created there that it's like killing a black man even bound from a bad area, like burning a cross for the KKK or slapping a cockroach with a thumb, and there was no such outrage before - we have learned how to do it ... Soon they'll start sticking bottles up the anus of unruly Negroes... Power without limits spoils bad people ... who among them does not want to feel like a god or a master of fortune ...
It's all politics, whoever says the first thing about police reform is the one who calls the shots. As they say, there is no smoke without fire.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

they don't do such primitive things!

you can find a "Yarovaya" for such cases ...

Primitive does not mean ineffective! They have a political struggle going on now, and in war, as they say, all means are good.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

God knows if it has anything to do with the election or not, the shooting itself probably not - but the fact that it will be used yes

They have everybody shooting - the 2nd amendment of the constitution works great in the US.

And it does, they can't push through a law to reduce the gun lobby. To show the public and opponents that this is a bad thing. They just go along with it.

Politicians may not do it themselves, but they surely have people in their team who prepare the ground for this and subsequent events. I would not be surprised if they find a guilty state to blame and punish.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Yuriy Zaytsev:

I remember back in the days of Paper Computers, they actively promoted the use of PGP in email correspondence. It is an open protocol and has been tested 100500 times for reliability. And digital signatures to verify the authenticity of a message have not been abolished. The Bat has modules for that.

If I had a big business, I would definitely use it, but I don't need it in ordinary life. When I worked in the office, I used a program with PGP to create an encrypted disk, so that all sorts of admins wouldn't get into it.

i've used it too - it's great - you can even just encrypt a text on the clipboard and paste it into an email

or drop a file onto an icon and get it encrypted instantly.

there is also pgp phone for voice encryption but it needs to be rooted (blackberry seems to be built in by default)

and since most contacts will not be engaged in it, there is no sense

Sergey Kriushin:

Internet is designed to know everything about everybody and to derive maximum benefit from it, as well as for various manipulations and other mass "humanitarian" and hybrid attacks on people's mental state... Von they showed a test tube with some powder on it and that's it - you can wipe the country off the map... Some philosopher said that people can be deceived and misled for a long time, but the truth eventually comes out, because the truth benefits everyone, and that is the triumph of democracy... Why did they let the USSR fall apart... now Brexit in England, because most people understood that they were being tricked... And it's better for everyone to live in a separate flat with his family (not everyone gets along in one family) than in a shared communal apartment with incomprehensible freeloaders and imposed protection... So they've been listening since the founding but now they want to legalize it, so to speak, so that only their law enforcement officers could listen and legally produce the tape for charges...As for personal and intimate life and all kinds of small stuff, it does not concern me at all ... although if all the small ones come up, a big bara-boom may ensue ... but again, a big reason needs to be created online ...

i think the internet is just a network and that's it, no philosophy

why they let the ssr fall apart -- it went bankrupt if you don't know

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Yuriy Zaytsev:

I remember back in the days of Paper Computers, they actively promoted the use of PGP in email correspondence. It is an open protocol and has been tested 100500 times for reliability. And digital signatures to verify the authenticity of a message have not been abolished. The Bat has modules for that.

If I had a big business, I would definitely use it, but I don't need it in my usual life. When I worked in the office I used a PGP program to create an encrypted disk in order to prevent admins from snooping.

truecrypt was the best encryption program in the world for a long time.

that's why a fork of truecrypt - veracrypt - is now up to date.

but you know about it

Yuriy Zaytsev:

this point is quite correct!

The state or the FS.B. are not going to store and record it - they leave it to the operators :-)) and there are ordinary people working as server administrators!

They do not drive Galentwagens at the graduation party, they do not have money for Galentwagens, and they did not take an oath of allegiance to the regime.

Well, when they start selling bases, they'll have Helicopters.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

that's just the basics - what you don't like, you can and should ignore the rest.

storage - it was and is, it just hasn't been legally approved.

Who has administrated at least once knows that storage was and now exists. :-)))

Almost all banks for example - store financial and personal information, ALL of it, and some from the day of the first transaction !

so ... Liberals whine about it, it's an attempt to bullshit those who do not know :-)

What a bank keeps is sometimes more embarrassing for a person than what he once said.

Banks store information on a perfectly clear and legitimate basis ...... and here we are talking about an invasion of privacy - my cats will be looked at by the Chekists!