Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 17

Alexandr Saprykin:
Aren't there cameras? In shops, on the street, in entrances, in stairwells, in lifts, in various organisations, on roads.
In my message, I have indicated which places I am referring to.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Well, it's been :-) for a long time... And for example in London there are many times more of them than in Moscow.

- I was thinking of putting them in the toilets.

- But at the moment society is not ready for it.


- But now you can put them in front of the toilet, and in some places they've been doing it for a long time.

- There's even footage in a great film made in the US, they've had them for a long time. It's an early '90s film...

Quite recently, it was on the news in a cafe in Moscow or somewhere else where there were hidden cameras in the toilets. They posted a video on the Internet afterwards...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Well, it's not official yet... ,?

that'll be fixed in the next Yarovaya package... after we have eaten this one...

yet unofficially

I would not be surprised if everyone is then required to install smart toilets at home with sensors that do tests and measure blood pressure... It is necessary to monitor the health of the nation and what citizens eat, suddenly on unearned income and eat more than they can afford...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

example: if you call a hotline, you're told that the call will be recorded and at least some of you don't use foul language.

Is this in line with the constitution?


They were warned that they would write things like: anything you say can be used against you, you have the right to silence, you have the right to an attorney, etc...

So when they read out bills of rights, they violate the constitution?

Well, that's right. The key word here is "warned". Accordingly, if a cellular operator is going to record private conversations, he will be obliged to warn you at each call that the conversation is being recorded.

The question is , if we know this, why the fuck... go through public channels and tell someone about your private life?

What do we know? It hasn't happened yet. Conversations were only recorded individually and only by the intelligence services if there was reason to do so. So many people were free to spill everything without fear.

And now, understandably, many people will become encrypted.


I personally do not see any catastrophe. If you are an ordinary person, all these video surveillance, wiretaps, recording conversations is a blessing in disguise for you.

They put cameras on the roads and made drivers 'polite'. Not enough in lifts. They caught thieves in the dacha community thanks to cameras (it turned out they were not homeless). The authorities are afraid to be rude and openly take bribes, because they might film it and post it.

Internet traffic should be controlled long ago. So your children do not get dragged into the swamp. No one on the street will promote perversion, violence, suicide... They'll shut you up. Then why is it okay on the internet?


Do some people here really not understand the consequences, or are they just trolling?

It is one thing if, say, the CIA handles all this, all the information is stored in a safe place, closely guarded. Leaks do happen (like Snowden), but they are isolated cases.

It is different when the data is stored by mobile operator/internet provider and just anybody can access it - there is no special protection. We all know what a corrupt country we live in.

Therefore, it is not difficult to foresee the appearance of torrents like "Megafon-North-West telephone conversations, 2018, March", where everything will be laid out by name and date. This will all be gladly used by various malefactors, business rivals, jealous wives, etc.

Сергей Криушин:

... like the Negroes in America ...

There, judging by the way the Negroes are killed at the slightest provocation, the Ku Klux Klan seems to have legalised under the guise of the police, just as we sometimes have an organised criminal gang legalised under the guise of a "security company".
Yuri Evseenkov:

I personally do not see any catastrophe. If you are an ordinary person, all these video surveillance, wiretaps, recording conversations is a blessing in disguise for you.

They put cameras on the roads and made drivers 'polite'. Not enough in lifts. They caught thieves in the dacha community thanks to cameras (it turned out they were not homeless). The authorities are afraid to be rude and openly take bribes, because they might film it and post it.

Internet traffic should be controlled long ago. So your children do not get dragged into the swamp. No one on the street will promote perversion, violence, suicide... They'll shut you up. Then why is it okay on the internet?

Don't you think it is necessary to treat the disease, not the symptoms? Society has degenerated so much that it sees salvation in cameras. People can be polite and decent only when they are recorded on camera. And what future for such a country...
Alexey Navoykov:
Don't you think the disease should be treated, not the symptoms? Society has degenerated so much that it sees cameras as its salvation. They say people can only be polite and decent when they are captured on camera. What future for such a country...
People used to be afraid of God, now they will be afraid of cameras. Any deterrent, if it contributes to the prevention of crime, is beneficial.
Alexey Navoykov:

Do some people here really not understand the consequences, or are they just trolling?

It is one thing if, say, the CIA handles all this, all the information is stored in a safe place, carefully guarded. Leaks do happen (like Snowden), but they are isolated cases.

It is different when the data is stored by mobile operator/internet provider and just anybody can access it - there is no special protection. We all know what a corrupt country we live in.

Therefore, it is not difficult to foresee the appearance of "Megafon-North-West phone calls, 2018, March" on torrents, where everything will be laid out by name and date. This will all be gladly used by various malefactors, business rivals, jealous wives, etc.

The CIA is more reliable, that's fine, but the FSB is not trustworthy, because they can shut you down.