What's important in trading? Discussion - page 2

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The intellectual pleasure of strategy programming. Some people like to play chess,

some people like to do crossword puzzles and I like to design systems. It's a kind of perversion.)

I enjoy programming too, but I also enjoy chess. In my town I'm the veteran champion and sometimes second in the all-around.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Don't generalise to the whole world!

An overwhelming number of people on planet Earth consider themselves human beings first and foremost, not wallets for money. There are plenty of people who are willing to die for their principles, for their ideals.

If we look at the history of mankind, it is impossible to find people who have remained in memory, in the history of mankind, because of their wealth. The entire history of humanity is populated by people whose material well-being we do not know

You are pushing through here the Anglo-Saxon, or rather, the Protestant ideal of man - money. In orthodox Russia, "rich" and "rich man" have always been swear words. People strove for SUCCESS and THEY EARNED MONEY TO DO THAT. Some to build a house, others to educate their children, others to leave behind art galleries.... But for the bulk of the people who could get a lot of wealth, money was needed to support hospitals, houses for the poor, and donations to churches. The huge country was covered with churches and monasteries, all built with donations.

An overwhelming number of the world's population are people of faith. These people believe that God gave each of us at conception in his image and likeness a soul and the meaning of life of each of us is to increase and polish that wealth which God gave us - our soul. Having received a diamond at birth, to return the diamond to God at death. This is what people in Russia have sought to have wealth to donate to the church.

You are wrong. I know him(Muzichenko) well. For him money is not a fetish and not an ideal, but a means of existence. He is right to say that if you spend most of your time doing what you are doing, it must be profitable, otherwise how can you afford to live. Only people who have a livelihood (e.g. an inheritance or a pension) or are supported by relatives can afford to work for free. So your excursion into history and religion has nothing to do withMuzichenko .
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Don't generalise to the whole world!

An overwhelming number of people on planet Earth consider themselves human beings first and foremost, not wallets for money. There are plenty of people who are willing to die for their principles, for their ideals.

If we look at the history of mankind, it is impossible to find people who have remained in memory, in the history of mankind, because of their wealth. The entire history of humanity is populated by people whose material well-being we do not know

You are pushing through here the Anglo-Saxon, or rather, the Protestant ideal of man - money. In orthodox Russia, "rich" and "rich man" have always been swear words. People strove for SUCCESS and THEY EARNED MONEY TO DO THAT.Some to build a house, others to educate their children, others to leave behind art galleries.... But for the bulk of the people who could get a lot of wealth, money was needed to support hospitals, houses for the poor, and donations to churches. The huge country was covered with churches and monasteries, all built with donations.

An overwhelming number of the world's population are people of faith. These people believe that God gave each of us at conception in his image and likeness a soul and the meaning of life of each of us is to increase and polish that wealth which God gave us - our soul. Having received a diamond at birth, to return the diamond to God at death. Here in Russia, people wanted to have wealth to donate to the church.

How can you build a house and give to children for education, if you are not financially wealthy?

How can they donate or help their neighbors, if they have a hole in their pockets?

Shall we continue to compare or do you take back what you said about wealth?

Everyone has children, I have two, and if I do not work for money (thanks business works so far), it will not be enough to pay not only for college and school, and a piece of bread in the morning. And you are saying that money is not important. These days, they won't take your blood pressure in hospital without money.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

How can you build a house and give your children an education if you are not financially wealthy?

And how can you donate or help your neighbour if you have a hole in your pocket?

Are we going to keep comparing, or are you going to take back what you said about wealth?

Actually it is written in black and white to strive for prosperity, never against one's conscience.


And what can you sacrifice or help your neighbour if you have a hole in your pocket?

The history of humanity is full of people with a hole in their pockets who have defined the mindset of hundreds of millions of people and remained for centuries.

So take care of yourself, your soul, and if you have time, your pocket as well.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Don't generalise to the whole world!

An overwhelming number of people on planet Earth consider themselves human beings first and foremost, not wallets for money. There are plenty of people who are willing to die for their principles, for their ideals.

If we look at the history of mankind, it is impossible to find people who have remained in memory, in the history of mankind, because of their wealth. The entire history of humanity is populated by people whose material well-being we do not know

You are pushing through here the Anglo-Saxon, or rather, the Protestant ideal of man - money. In orthodox Russia, "rich" and "rich man" have always been swear words. People strove for SUCCESS and THEY EARNED MONEY TO DO THAT. Some to build a house, others to educate their children, others to leave behind art galleries.... But for the bulk of the people who could get a lot of wealth, money was needed to support hospitals, houses for the poor, and donations to churches. The huge country was covered with churches and monasteries, all built with donations.

An overwhelming number of the world's population are people of faith. These people believe that God gave each of us at conception in his image and likeness a soul and the meaning of life of each of us is to increase and polish that wealth which God gave us - our soul. Having received a diamond at birth, to return the diamond to God at death. This is what people in Russia have sought to have wealth to donate to the church.

A level 80 zombie

I also enjoy programming, but I also enjoy chess. I am the veteran champion in my town and sometimes second in the all-round.

Congratulations! I, on the contrary, don't like all sorts of mind games, chess too. Apparently, I lack programming or my brain is set up that way.

At the same time, I have a friend who has zero knowledge of computers on the level of surfing the net. But he is pretty cool at chess. To each his own.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Don't generalise to the whole world!

An overwhelming number of people on planet Earth consider themselves human beings first and foremost, not wallets for money. There are plenty of people who are willing to die for their principles, for their ideals.

If we look at the history of mankind, it is impossible to find people who have remained in memory, in the history of mankind, because of their wealth. The entire history of humanity is populated by people whose material well-being we do not know

You are pushing through here the Anglo-Saxon, or rather, the Protestant ideal of man - money. In orthodox Russia, "rich" and "rich man" have always been swear words. People strove for SUCCESS and THEY EARNED MONEY TO DO THAT. Some to build a house, others to educate their children, others to leave behind art galleries.... But for the bulk of the people who could get a lot of wealth, money was needed to support hospitals, houses for the poor, and donations to churches. The huge country was covered with churches and monasteries, all built with donations.

An overwhelming number of the world's population are people of faith. These people believe that God gave each of us at conception in his image and likeness a soul and the meaning of life of each of us is to increase and polish that wealth which God gave us - our soul. Having received a diamond at birth, to return the diamond to God at death. This is what people in Russia have sought to have wealth to donate to the church.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Congratulations! I, on the other hand, don't like all sorts of mind games, chess too. I guess I have enough programming, or my brain is set up that way.

At the same time, I have a friend who has zero knowledge of computers at the level of surfing the net. But he is pretty cool at chess. To each his own.

Chess is not in vogue in Russia now...

since we don't have the chess crown.

The main thing, guys, is not to grow old at heart (c)
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Don't generalise to the whole world!

An overwhelming number of people on planet Earth consider themselves human beings first and foremost, not wallets for money. There are plenty of people who are willing to die for their principles, for their ideals.

If we look at the history of mankind, it is impossible to find people who have remained in memory, in the history of mankind, because of their wealth. The entire history of humanity is populated by people whose material well-being we do not know

You are pushing through here the Anglo-Saxon, or rather, the Protestant ideal of man - money. In orthodox Russia, "rich" and "rich man" have always been swear words. People strove for SUCCESS and THEY EARNED MONEY TO DO THAT. Some to build a house, others to educate their children, others to leave behind art galleries.... But for the bulk of the people who could get a lot of wealth, money was needed to support hospitals, houses for the poor, and donations to churches. The huge country was covered with churches and monasteries, all built with donations.

An overwhelming number of the world's population are people of faith. These people believe that God gave each of us at conception in his image and likeness a soul and the meaning of life of each of us is to increase and polish that wealth which God gave us - our soul. Having received a diamond at birth, to return the diamond to God at death. So in Russia, people sought wealth in order to donate to the church.

In pre-revolutionary Russia churches were mainly built by the state.

The ships were clearly built at public expense, donations were not the main part, of course they were.

The church was part of the state - and the state sought to strengthen the faith.

so it's not true that " they were all built on donations" .

After 1917, the church went into decline, mainly because the state financial flow stopped.

It was essentially persecution.


The construction of both the first and subsequent St. Isaac's churches was funded by the state. The first temple was built with money allocated for the construction of the Admiralty under Count F.M. Apraksin; the Dutch architect H. van Boles was invited to erect the spire of the church. The first wooden church, called St Isaac's Church, was consecrated in 1707. Its simplicity is typical of the first buildings in St Petersburg of the Peter the Great period. It was a blockhouse made of rounded logs up to 18 m long, 9 m wide and 4-4,5 m high up to the roof. The outer walls were lined with horizontal boards up to 20 cm wide. The roof had a slope of at least 45 degrees in order to ensure good run-off of snow and rain. It was also made of wood and covered with waterproof wax-bitumen compound of black and brown colour which was used for tarring ship hulls back then.



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