What's important in trading? Discussion - page 4

Roman Busarov:
Come on, we should play chess again... I'm bored at the cottage =)
I don't mind.
I don't mind.

How about online?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

let's go online ?

What do you think we'll play through? =)
Yuriy Zaytsev:

let's go online ?

I am registered on https://chess-samara.ru/play/index.html.

If you register there, you can invite me to play, I'm khorosh there too.

Играть в шахматы
Играть в шахматы
  • chess-samara.ru
Играть! Еще не успели зарегистрироваться? Попробуйте сыграть без регистрации прямо сейчас! Это бесплатно и соперника всегда можно найти меньше, чем за минуту. Случайная игра в шахматы - это вариант игры, при котором система автоматически подыскивает Вам соперника. Когда соперник найден, Вы сразу попадаете в игру. Можно играть без...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

The intellectual pleasure of strategy programming. Some people like to play chess,

some people like to do crossword puzzles and I like to design systems. Such a perversion.)

But let's get back to the subject of the thread.

For me it is this post indicated the ideal: to do what I like and still get money for it, which is enough to live on.

Of course, there are unfortunate people who have to work and do things they may not like at all or partly like.

But the ideal is clearly outlined by Alexei.

By the way, the idea is not new. I think the ancient Greeks and certainly the idealists with their communism proclaimed that the aim of human development is a society in which every member of society will have the possibility to do only what he likes and society will pay for such activities.

But this is communist idealism.


I've been playing blitz all my life. Now on chessplanet every day, 10-20 games



I'm registered at https://chess-samara.ru/play/index.html.

If you register there, you can invite me to play, I'm khorosh there too.

I've had loads of registrations on various chess sites!

I was once obsessed with chess algorithms - engines, although I don't play very well myself.

My father taught me chess :-) almost from the cradle I learned to speak and already knew how to play though the pieces ... just do not remember when it happened .

he played like a god himself - i never beat him once in my life.

When I was in Pyatigorsk, a grandmaster once gave a simultaneous game - and lost to my father.

I had a grandmaster taken away from the court under his arm, he got upset after a defeat by an amateur.

Roman Busarov:
What do you think we'll play through? =)

Duck, that's exactly what I thought :-)))

СанСаныч Фоменко:

But let's get back to the topic of the thread.


it's the right thing to do, because no one will really answer these clear and tough and logical questions.


Blitz is a very cool brain workout!

I like it too!

SanSanych Fomenko:

For me, this post shows the ideal: to do what I like and still get money for it, which is quite enough to live on.

I think there are a lot of people in the world who can do it at the highest level.

Steve Jobs ...

although he was a scoundrel himself in his relations with people - with his daughter and the woman who gave birth to his daughter.

but by the end of his life, I personally like him better.


registered !!!

You will be able to send messages to other users 3 days after registration.

:-))) what a bunch of filters

I would kill site administrators and ideologists who make stupid rules - they are like children

they come up with all sorts of idiotic restrictions

especially annoying when - you register and want to enter a password or a username that suits you

and it starts :-)))


I want to be the one who decides what's my username and password - if my username isn't taken - and I don't want to be the one who decides what's my username.

my safety is my problem ...

СанСаныч Фоменко:

When I look at the article "Insult to the feelings of believers" in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, I think: Why? Because people around are considerate and tolerant..... give way to pedestrians at crosswalks...

And read some of the posts of militant atheists and Komsomol members of the 20s, and realize - no, it's not right that there is such an article, it's impossible, there are such heads that simply can not get through... You have to put it in through a "two-fer".

Yes... When you look at the Criminal Code, you wonder why the feelings of believers are protected only for certain religious groups, even though the state is secular and all religious organizations have equal rights. What is interesting is that for some reason the most offended insult everyone else the most.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Yes... When you look at the Criminal Code, you wonder why the feelings of believers are protected only for certain religious groups, even though the state is secular and all religious organizations have equal rights. What is interesting, for some reason the most offended insult everyone else the most.

Oh no ... that's a very slippery slope.

But I agree with you.

Basically - first of all - the state is separate from the church and the law itself is a nonsense in this situation.

and secondly there are many different religions and many are often at war with each other

but it's essentially the principle of competition - which is inherent in nature itself...

life is first and foremost a competition !

and it starts with each of us being the first one to get into an egg!