What's important in trading? Discussion - page 3

Yuriy Zaytsev:

In general in pre-revolutionary Russia churches were mainly built by the state.


Large cathedrals were clearly built at public expense - donations were not the most important part

The church was part of the state.

So the statement " they were all built with donations" is untrue.

For the record, in Nizhniy Novgorod most of the churches were built by merchants. And there are not many churches in Novgorod, but very many. In many other lands as well.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
For reference, in Nizhny Novgorod most of the churches were built by the merchants. And there are not many churches in Novgorod, but very many. In many other lands as well.

But it was not the money of the parishioners, but of individual citizens.

In modern Russia, it is not the state that provides the main funding, but the same patrons and large non-governmental firms.

And you should understand the difference between a mass of believers and one Maecenas. But on the one hand this is also a donation, but you should not use the phrase "with the whole world".


It's just that when you see and realize the value of watches, Mercedes, and luxury homes ... that is, all the benefits of cult workers.

You understand how not all the money goes to build churches.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Chess is not honoured in Russia at the moment...

since we don't have the chess crown

Hmm, I'm not close to the topic, but I thought computers crushed people in chess a long time ago. When did Deep Blue beat Kasparov? It's probably been about 15 years now.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

It's just that when you see and realize the value of watches, Mercedes, and luxury homes... I mean, all the benefits of cult workers.

you realise that not all the money goes into building temples.

And 90% of it is fat as pigs, with oil-covered eyes.

When I look at the article "Insult to the feelings of believers" in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, I think: Why? Because people around are considerate and tolerant..... give way to pedestrians at crosswalks...

And read some of the posts of militant atheists and Komsomol members of the 20s, and realize - no, it's not right that there is such an article, it's impossible, there are such heads that simply can not get through... You have to put it in through a "two-fer".

Andrey Luxe:

What is the most important thing for you in trading and trading apart from money?

Maybe the feeling of beating the market?

The feeling of beating yourself? New emotions or something else?

Money, money and nothing but money !!!!
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Hmmm, I'm far from the topic, but I thought computers crushed people in chess a long time ago. When did Deep Blue beat Kasparov? It must have been about 15 years ago.


That's right, in 1996 the reigning world champion Garry Kasparov lost to a chess program!!!

Man versus computer.

The game against Fritz X3D

Garry Kasparov's matches against chess programs were of great interest. In 1989, the chess programme Deep Thought, which ran on Sun-4 computer hardware, achieved considerable success.

For the first time ever, the program beat an international grandmaster(Bent Larsen) in an official tournament[107].

On 22 October 1989, a match of two blitz games between Garry Kasparov and Deep Thought was held in New York. The world champion won them easily.

The second meeting was particularly telling, with Kasparov winning in spectacular combination style. After the match, Kasparov stated:

Kasparov stated:

Если компьютер сможет превзойти в шахматах лучшего из лучших, это будет означать, что ЭВМ в состоянии сочинять самую лучшую музыку,

писать самые лучшие книги. Не могу в это поверить. Если будет создан компьютер с рейтингом 2800, то есть равным моему,

я сам сочту своим долгом вызвать его на матч, чтобы защитить человеческую расу.

In 1996 IBM invited Garry Kasparov to play a match against their chess software,Deep Blue, for a prize of $500,000.

"Deep Blue was a supercomputer based on the RS6000 system, consisting of 32 nodes, each consisting of 512 processors that were hardware-optimised for the chess program.

Deep Blue's performance corresponded to 11.38 GFLOPS[108] and the computer could evaluate up to 200 million positions per second[109].

Kasparov's first match against the chess computer took place in February 1996, and the man won it 4-2 but lost the first game.

It was the first time in history that a computer had won a game against a world champion[110].


So to sum up, what is the most important thing in trading: dough, balls of steel, intellectual pleasure of programming, donations for churches and temples and wages of cult workers,90% fat as pigs, with swollen oily eyes, and most importantly not to violate theCriminal Codearticle"Insulting the feelings of believers". Well, that's quite a gentleman's kit.)))


So let's sum up what's most important in trading: dough, balls of steel, intellectual pleasure in programming, donations to churches and temples and wages to cult workers,90% fat as pigs, with swollen buttery eyes, and most importantly compliance with theRussian Criminal Codearticle"Insulting the feelings of believers". Well, that's quite a gentleman's kit.)))

Come on, let's play chess again... I'm bored at the cottage.)
СанСаныч Фоменко:

When I look at the article "Insult to the feelings of believers" in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, I think: Why? Because people around are considerate and tolerant..... give way to pedestrians at crosswalks...

And read some of the posts of militant atheists and Komsomol members of the 20s, and realize - no, it's not right that there is such an article, it's impossible, there are such heads that simply can not get through... You have to go through the "two-fer".

educated, thinking, capable of making conclusions, analyzing information, full of information, you can't hide anything ... for example the photoshop bummer... noticed
and at the same time some are even very religious ...

and communicating with God, what's the middleman for? with an expensive watch and a Mercedes


watches, Mercedes, luxury real-estate, -if you mean that it is the behavior of religious workers that offends ... then I agree ...

you should probably give the cult workers two, and that's not much.

or the photoshopped picture - was released to the press and then leaked to the press and the real one with the watch - who should be convicted?

sanctimony? lack of conscience? faith? what is it?