What's important in trading? Discussion


What is the most important thing for you in trading and trading apart from money?

Maybe the feeling of beating the market?

The feeling of beating yourself? New emotions or something else?

Andrey Luxe:

What is the most important thing for you in trading and trading apart from money?

Maybe the feeling of beating the market?

The feeling of beating yourself? New emotions or something else?

Everything that is done and most of the time is devoted to is done for money. We live in a world where money is needed, the days of working for an idea for the good of the Motherland are over. Trading, if you devote an hour of time a week to it, is a hobby, if more - for the money.

If you can suppress the sense of pride, you can achieve success, otherwise you cannot. The market is always right!

Vitaly Muzichenko:

... We live in a world where money is needed, gone are the days of working for an idea for the good of the motherland. ...

Andrey Luxe:

What is the most important thing for you in trading and trading apart from money?

Maybe the feeling of beating the market?

The feeling of beating yourself? New emotions or something else?

Strange as it may sound, this is DEFINITELY the most important thing!
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Everything that is done and most of the time is devoted to is done for money. We live in a world where money is needed, the days of working for an idea for the good of the motherland are over. Trading, if you devote an hour a week to it, is a hobby; if more than that, it is for the money.

I did a survey once and 15% of them dream of trading sausages instead of trading ))


Andrey Luxe:

What is the most important thing for you in trading and trading apart from money?

Maybe the feeling of beating the market?

The feeling of beating yourself? New emotions or something else?

The intellectual pleasure of programming strategies. Some people like to play chess,

some people like to do crossword puzzles, and I like to develop systems. Such a perversion ))

The main thing in trading is the same as in the tank.
Anton Zverev:
Unless they're steel.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Everything that is done and most of the time is devoted to is done for money. We live in a world where money is needed, the days of working for an idea for the good of the motherland are over. Trading, if you devote an hour a week to it, is a hobby; if more than that, it is for the money.

If you can suppress the sense of pride, you can achieve success, otherwise you cannot. The market is always right!

There is no need to generalize about the world!

The vast majority of people on planet Earth consider themselves human beings first and foremost, not purse-strings for money. There are plenty of people who are ready to die for their principles, for their ideals.

If we look at the history of mankind, it is impossible to find people who have remained in memory, in the history of mankind, because of their wealth. The entire history of humanity is populated by people whose material well-being we do not know

You are pushing through here the Anglo-Saxon, or rather, the Protestant ideal of man - money. In orthodox Russia, "rich" and "rich man" have always been swear words. People strove for SUCCESS and THEY EARNED MONEY TO DO THAT. Some to build a house, others to educate their children, others to leave behind art galleries.... But for the bulk of the people who could get a lot of wealth, money was needed to support hospitals, houses for the poor and donations to churches. The huge country was covered with churches and monasteries, all built with donations.

An overwhelming number of the world's population are people of faith. These people believe that God gave each of us at conception in his image and likeness a soul and the meaning of life of each of us is to increase and polish that wealth which God gave us - our soul. Having received a diamond at birth, to return the diamond to God at death. This is what people in Russia have been striving for in order to donate to the church.