Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 123

Alexandr Saprykin:
So I don't understand. It's been two months now and it's still there. When's the championship coming up?
Are you ready to participate?
Alexandr Saprykin:
I don't get it. It's been two months, and we're still here. When's the championship coming up?

Never again.

Justice has been served.

Dick's off to steam.

Congratulations, everyone!

Andrey Dik:
Are you ready to take part?

So I wasn't planning to take part. I wanted to act as a cheerleader for the championship participants.

Vladimir Gribachev:

Never again.

Justice has been served.

Dick went to steam.

Congratulations, everyone!

It's a shame. It was a pretty good start. It's the implementation that's kind of lame.

Vladimir Gribachev:

Never again.

Justice has been served.

Dick's off to steam.

Congratulations, everyone!

L What's to congratulate? The neighbour's cow died?

I don't condone the organizer. He deserves to be punished for his insults. But I do not know how I would act under such pressure and sophisticated trolling, if I were in his place.

I'm sorry. I got so carried away. Wrote my own code using the same classic method. Suggestedmy own version of the rules.

I even suggested making an interface panel so that everyone could participate, even those who don't have MQL code.

Чемпионат Алгоритмов Оптимизации.
Чемпионат Алгоритмов Оптимизации.
  • reviews: 17
Чемпионат алгоритмов оптимизации задуман как соревнование для людей ищущих, любознательных, для которых стоять на месте означает движение назад...
Yuri Evseenkov:

I am not excusing the organiser. He deserves to be punished for his insults. But I don't know how I would act under such pressure and sophisticated trolling if I were in his shoes.

Let's be objective -- on the first page of the thread -- literally the second post from a moderator:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

The Championship of Optimization Algorithms.

Karputov Vladimir, 2016.06.10 19:55

Anyway. Please discuss only on the topic "Optimisation algorithms". One step to the right, one step to the left - firing squad :)

Trolling is subtle, as you put it, what is it? When did this "trolling" appear and was it? Let's not think in verbal innuendo and unsubstantiated conclusions, but in concrete quotes.

The phrase is on page 121 of the thread (125 in total):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The Championship of Optimization Algorithms.

Karputov Vladimir, 2016.07.24 10:12

At the moment there is absolutely nothing to add to the first post. Just talk...

What kind of trolling with so many specific and substantive posts could ruin this championship?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Let's be objective -- on the first page of the thread -- literally the second post from a moderator:

Sophisticated trolling, as you put it -- what's that got to do with it? When did this "trolling" come about and was it? Let's not think in verbal innuendo and unsubstantiated conclusions, but in specific quotes.

The phrase is on page 121 of the thread (125 total):

What kind of trolling with so many specific and matter-of-fact posts could have blighted this championship?

Don't take it all personally. Almost all branch "activists" are "good" in terms of flooding and lack of understanding (including myself) or unwillingness to listen to the other .

Karputov Vladimir, 2016.06.10 19:55

In general. Please discuss only on topic "Optimization algorithms". Step to the right, step to the left - firing squad :)

Straight to the point. Not one millimetre to the side!

So? The startup organizer is in the bathhouse and there will be no Championship? Was I preparing to join the ranks of supporters at the Championship for nothing?
Alexandr Saprykin:
So? The startup organizer is in the bathhouse and there will be no championship? Was I preparing to join the ranks of supporters at the Championship for nothing?
I bought beer and rods. What shall I do with them now? Watch the Olympics. You can't have the championship during the Olympics. It can be interpreted as such.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
I bought beer, vobla, and now what to do with them? Watch the Olympics. You can't have the championship during the Olympics. That's how they may see it.

Why are you in the audience?

If I googled multidimensional optimization methods and created a primitive code by one classical method, I can easily do it. It's easy for you to code a competitive algorithm.

It's the heat, the holidays, the Olympics. Our brains are genetically tuned to get active after September 1.

If only people were interested. We can put together an initiative group and ask the MC to allocate a referee. And we could hold the championship in the autumn. By that time, people should be back from the baths.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Why are you in the audience?

If I googled multivariate optimization methods and made a primitive code by one classical method, I can easily do it. It's easy for you to code a competitive algorithm.

It's the heat, the holidays, the Olympics. Our brains are genetically tuned to get active after September 1.

If only people were interested. We can put together an initiative group and ask the MC to allocate a referee. And we could hold the championship in the autumn. By that time, people must be back from the sauna.

Everything has been stolen before us. We already have gen algorithms, neural networks, stat algorithms and much more. Take it, configure it for your task and use it.

I'm not a fan of reinventing bicycles). Only if there is a great need). It is better and more interesting to do something really useful or at least just interesting.

But it may be interesting to look at from the outside.