Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 44


It's a good thing I just flipped through the last 20 pages, saved myself so much time )

Suggesting to move from the term "intelligent algorithm" in the previous thread to an algorithm for solving the "optimization problem" (in the mathematical sense) I expected that there will be fewer questions and misunderstandings )

And as a matter of fact it's time to put the library and client script with example of programming interface to plug your code (for example, you could plug in the parameter randomizer instead of the optimization algorithm to run and see).

Andrey Dik:

What simple example do you need? An example of what?

Your link on hubra has no code that can be verified by the local MQL population.

And the "popularizers" have tons of simple examples and articles. There are a lot of discussions here on the forum.

Imagine that a person comes to the MQL5 forum who doesn't know programming at all and hasn't mastered it at school, and a dialog with local users takes place:

- What do you do here?

- We program EAs in MQL5.

- Give me an example of what you're doing!

- go and read articles on this forum, google it... It's all been explained to you a thousand times.

- you don't seem to want to popularize the language! give me an example so that i can understand it.

The only requirement for the Championship is addressing to the algorithm through the *.ex5 library, and this is only because we are in the MQL forum, so that traders working in MT could check the results of the Championship. :)

Looks like I didn't pass the face control either. I'm telling you in a kind manner: don't judge people from your narrow-minded bell tower. We are all different. You don't know and ask "what is matan?" and I can't Google the abbreviation FF and "referring to an algorithm via *.ex5 library" puts me at a standstill.
Andrey Dik:

What simple example do you need? An example of what?

Your link on hubra has no code that can be verified by the local MQL population.

And the "popularizers" have tons of simple examples and articles. There are a lot of discussions here on the forum.

Imagine that a person comes to the MQL5 forum who doesn't know programming at all and hasn't mastered it at school, and a dialog with local users takes place:

- What do you do here?

- We program EAs in MQL5.

- Give me an example of what you're doing!

- go and read articles on this forum, google it... It's all been explained to you a thousand times.

- you don't seem to want to popularize the language! give me an example so that i can understand it.

The only requirement for the Championship is addressing to the algorithm through the *.ex5 library, and this is only because we are in the MQL forum, so that traders working in MT could check the results of the Championship. :)

Andrey, there is a little logical catch here:

You have repeatedly made it clear that people who are almost completely ignorant of the subject can participate in the championship. You claimed that the code could be taken from other sources and put up for the championship.

Thus, it became evident that the level of understanding of optimization algorithms is almost irrelevant. In one of your posts, you even said that the minimum you need is to be able to program in MQL.

Nevertheless, above you mention that you need much more knowledge and training in this area and therefore you don't have to explain everything to everyone...

If so, please send me the link to your article, as I have negligently overlooked the post where you direct those interested to your work to familiarize themselves with the subject.

Thank you.

(Wanted to write yesterday, but was busy.)

Yuri Evseenkov:
Looks like I didn't pass the face control either. I say to you kindly: don't judge people from your narrow-minded bell tower. We are all different. You do not know and ask "what is matan?" and I cannot google the abbreviation FF and "referring to the algorithm via *.ex5 library" puts me in a daze.

It seemed to you. I very kindly asked "What examples do you need?"

Examples have already been given, you just didn't notice them because of some personalities flubbing.

There is still time, have a look at the MQL5 handbook, #import

FF is a fitness function. It has already been mentioned. The forum query for "fitness function" gives exhaustive information.

I just still want to try to participate...
Реter Konow:

Andrew, there's a bit of a logical catch here:

1. You have repeatedly made it clear that people with little or no knowledge of the subject matter can participate in the championship. You claimed that the code could be taken from other sources and put up for the championship.

2. Thus, it became evident that the level of understanding of optimization algorithms is almost irrelevant. In one of your posts, you even said that the minimum you need is to know how to program in MQL.

Nevertheless, above you point out that you need much more knowledge and training in this area, and therefore you don't have to explain everything to everyone...

4. Well, if so, please throw the link to your article, as due to my inattention I missed the post where you direct those interested to your work to get acquainted with the topic.

Thank you.

(Wanted to write yesterday, but was busy.)

There is no contradiction or catch.

1. Yes, because there are articles and example codes in this forum and in MQL4 forum.

2. A minimum level of programming is required to provide a *.ex5 library compatible with the bench script according to the championship requirements. That is all you need to participate. The library may contain anything, or even nothing at all. 3.

If you want to participate, you will need minimum training in MQL5, but you will need knowledge of optimization algorithms to be able to win. Who really thinks they will win without a hitch?

4. Genetic algorithms.

You're welcome.

See the green link in my post? I didn't make it, the site engine inserts a link to the article. But genetic algorithms are not the only optimization algorithms. You can even use a simple search algorithm like the game we played in the survey thread.

Andrey Dik:

There is no contradiction or catch.

1. Yes, because there are articles and example codes on this forum and on the MQL4 forum.

2. A minimum level of programming is required to provide a *.ex5 library compatible with the bench script according to the championship requirements. That is all you need to participate. The library may contain anything, or even nothing at all. 3.

If you want to participate, you will need minimum training in MQL5, but you will need knowledge of optimization algorithms to be able to win. Who really thinks they will win without a hitch?

4. Genetic algorithms.

You're welcome.

Well, people don't want to compete in a movie, they want a championship. They want to win... So the option "just take something and exhibit", for some people is clearly not acceptable (as for me, for example).

Thanks for the link. )

Реter Konow:

Well, people don't want to participate in a movie, but in the championship. They want to win... That's why the option "just take something and show it" is obviously not acceptable for some people (like for me).

Thanks for the link. )

You're welcome... :)

I, for example, really want to, and I've always wanted to compete in the Olympics. I can get there through bed or whatever, but I can't win. But nobody forbids me to want to, do they? :) And I can't do it in bed, so I've been working out sometimes... Maybe by 80 I'll be able to take part in some 40-kilometer race for those who are over 70 ...))

To each his own. Who doesn't want to be below the bronze medal and who is willing to just take part. All of us are different.

Andrey Dik:

You're welcome... :)

I, for example, really want to, and I've always wanted to compete in the Olympics. I can get there through bed or whatever, but I can't win. But nobody forbids me to want to, do they? :) And I can't do it in bed, so I've been working out sometimes... Maybe by 80 I'll be able to take part in some 40-kilometer race for those who are over 70 ...))

To each his own. Who doesn't want to get below the bronze medal and who doesn't mind taking part. All of us are different.

I also like competitions)). True, I wouldn't take part in those where I would definitely lose. To be honest, I would be very unhappy if I was convinced I had a chance, and then simply crushed in the championship...

Andrey, how long have you been writing this article and have you learned to understand the subject? (If it's not a secret).

Реter Konow:

I like competitions too)). Though, I wouldn't take part in ones where I would obviously lose. To be honest, I'd be very unhappy if I was convinced I had a chance, and then simply crushed in the championship...

Andrei, how long did it take you to write this article and study the subject? (If it's not a secret).

The article itself was written about 3 months, probably... About a year, maybe more before the article, I studied the subject.

Since then, the algorithm has improved continuously. That is, about 8 years have passed until now.

But everything is very relative, if I worked on the algorithm in some research institute, and did not do anything but the algorithm, it would be faster. But there are other things to do, family, trading, forum.... That is why it takes so long. And I am writing very slowly. Each line takes days or weeks to write. Yes, arithmetic says it took 3.24 days per line of code.