The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 104

Renat Akhtyamov #:

got golden?

There was no such thing in fact.

Proofs that it didn't happen? It was written about in great detail at the time, e.g.

Цена на нефть марки WTI опустилась до отрицательных значений
Цена на нефть марки WTI опустилась до отрицательных значений
Майские фьючерсы на американскую нефть марки WTI подешевели до отрицательных значений, свидетельствуют данные Bloomberg. На минимуме цена барреля составляла минус $40. Нефть падала весь день 20 апреля, с $17,73 за баррель по майским фьючерсам. Сначала она обновляла максимумы за несколько десятков лет, потом достигла исторического минимума, а к...


Whoever dreams of the "demise" of the dollar wants to take the place of the US and become the new hegemon of the world and more violent.

It is a law of nature.

Alexander Ivanov #:


Whoever dreams of the "demise" of the dollar wants to take the place of the US and become the new hegemon of the world and more violent.

It's a law of nature.

He will fail, remember Khan.

It is a law of nature to divide the world, not to establish unity.


I mean divided the world into countries. your ears are already inflamed.

Fast235 #:

he will fail, remember Khan.

the law of nature just divided the world. not established unity.

But some soulless people go along with it.

Their conscience is dead.

That's why it's like this in the US.
Alexander Ivanov #:

But some soulless people go along with it.

Their conscience is dead.

That's why it's like this in the US.

they have a strange way about them, maybe they think they are far away) across the ocean, from the far east for example they are very close

they almost say hello, i'd say hello to anyone there.)

the most remote city in russia I recommend reading and watching the video, Anadyr.

anadur is strange the stylist suggested...

Fast235 #:

they behave strangely around the ocean, maybe they think they are far away) across the ocean, from the far east for example they are very close

the far east for example is very close, they almost say hello, I would say hello to anyone there.)

the most extreme city in russia I recommend reading and watching the video, Anadyr.

it's strange that Anadyr the stylist suggested it...

he seems to have a hobby - making puzzles.

Renat Akhtyamov #:

He seems to have a hobby of making puzzles.

it looks like the American stylus has changed.


and you fell for it. Well done, Renka.

I recommend checking it out - it's a very interesting city, how people live there and how to get there on a tour.
vladavd #:

Proofs that it wasn't? There was a lot of writing about it at the time, here for example

URALS oil, which is growing in Russia, has not fallen to not just negative values, but to below-cost prices.

Fast235 #:
someone is clearly controlling the market, once managed to get such a test
Period: M1 (2020.01.01 - 2020.12.08)

What does that tell you?

I see that the topic of the dollar's demise has disappeared) Not just on the forum, but in general) Has the dollar managed to avoid the inevitable?)