The fate of the world's currencies in the wake of the demise of the dollar. - page 44

Andrew Petras:

1 does NOT belong.

2 A good example of how the US is doing everything to keep things stagnant.

1. So the conclusion is that the US is to blame for bad medicine after all? There's no spirit left of them here, but they are still to blame...

2. Not clear, not a clear example.

Arkadii Zagorulko:

This is probably less than the USSR killed its citizens in prisons and back alleys. Well, this topic is not really touched upon, but at least the Americans admitted that they were wrong.

Kudos to them for that.

That is also a blatant lie! If to investigate thoroughly the statistics, it turns out that in percentage terms and at that time in Europe and especially in the USA people were put to death much more. This subject is certainly not touched upon. Another thing is that the USSR until 1937 was under the control of the world international which had nothing to do with the people of Russia, was puppeteered from outside and bled a lot, planning to cleanse the country of its population. Solzhenitsyn's nonsense has nothing to do with real life.

Andrew Petras:

Poke yourselves in a known place.

I was interested in Vietnam as a country. Afghanistan as a drug supplier, in a fairly narrow sense.

Afghanistan became a drug supplier AFTER the war.

Coincidence??? I don't think so!

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. So the conclusion is that the US is to blame for bad medicine after all? There is no spirit left of them here, but they are still to blame...

2. It is not clear, not a clear example.

1 According to whose instructions it is organised, that's whose fault it is.

2 A clear example is when in response to the DPRK's proposal: you stop broadcasting on the borders and military drills, we do the launches, the US responded with military drills.

Already China has lashed out at the US for aggravation caused by the appearance of an aircraft carrier off South Korea. Are you not following the situation at all?


Afghanistan became a supplier of drugs AFTER the war.


To Russia - after the collapse of the USSR.

Andrew Petras:

To Russia - after the collapse of the USSR.

After the war. When the ravaged Afghanistan became a haven for the narco-mafia - there was simply nothing to eat there, devastation.

Before the war it was a peaceful, quiet country - they treated the USSR very well and our ambassadors were always just resting there.

By the way, Afghanistan was the first country in the world to officially recognize the USSR.


Pruff on Putin's statement and Nabiulina's decision in defiance of that statement.

On Nabiulina yourself. Or look up the rates over the last three years.

Andrew Petras:

1 Whose instructions were followed, and whose fault it is.

2 Clearly, when in response to the DPRK's offer: you stop broadcasting on the borders and military drills, we do the launches, the US responded with military drills.

Already China has lashed out at the US for aggravation caused by the appearance of an aircraft carrier from South Korea. Are you not following the situation at all?

1. Amazing logic.

2. Are you defending North Korea's identity as, like, a sovereign independent state with full respect for human rights?

Andrew Petras:

On Nabiulina yourself. Or look at the rates over the last three years.

1. First video - instructed the Central Bank to develop a mechanism to reduce interest for industrial companies, including through the project office mechanism.

2. Second - "I support the actions of the Central Bank to ensure macroeconomic stability" (c), "With all the desire to lower the rate it cannot be done by administrative means" (c), "We have a threat of inflation..." (с).

So what? Where is the criticism of Nabiulina and the demand to lower the refinancing rate that she ignores?