Looking for investors. - page 11

Vitaly Murlenko:

Yeah, thanks, found this service on this website. It's really simple. Only I still don't need it.

It's very strange that you don't need this service.

Vitaly Murlenko:

and how's that going?

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

It's very strange that you don't need this service.

I don't need this kind of signal service either, what's so strange?

Mickey Moose:

and I don't need that kind of signal service, what's so strange about it?

Judging by your avatar, not strange :)

The bank is the best investor if you are confident in your abilities...

I invested $350 a week ago at 10% a day, I plan to hold on to it for a couple of months with reinvestment.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I invested $350 a week ago at 10% a day, I plan to hold on to it for a couple of months with reinvestment.

It's a scam...


It's a scam...

Well, I originally invested $8 from my change, withdrew $196 three days ago.


I think it's time to organise a new contest, called "Mad Traders Contest":)

P.S. The winner of the contest, investors will choose him as the manager of their millions.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

I think it's time to organise a new contest, called "Mad Traders Contest":)

P.S. The winner of the contest, investors will choose him as the manager of their millions.

And in general there are no such topics here, where they discuss certain currencies. And share advice?)
Or are those banned?

Mickey Moose:

How are you getting on?

Variables - the councillor hasn't written them down yet, and with manual tolling you have to control positions, which isn't always possible. I have to go to work. Coding slowly...