Is it possible to do the impossible? - page 6

Igor Volodin:
So if something has never happened (no statistics), it will never happen?
Not exactly. If something has never happened, then the probability of the event occurring is small, but it exists and can be calculated. With the help of statistics you can calculate in advance the risks of occurrence of an event and losses from it. All of course it is tentative, but it is better than working blindly. In my opinion, this approach is more suitable for insurance and banking than for working in the markets.
Yuriy Asaulenko:

The market economy as such has been virtually non-existent for a long time now. Well, except perhaps in the Russian Federation, where it is being stubbornly built. And perhaps in Yasin's head.

Everything is highly regulated everywhere. Well, and no one is going to count iPhones, of course. :) Apple will figure it out.

Exactly, only Russians believed that the market will organize and distribute everything fairly, so we were introduced to it by Western liberal technologists, who themselves have long forgotten what free market relations are, but they have never been there - there is only one appearance, and everything is ruled by competent PR and inside information, Rockefeller himself admitted ... the same with us - everything was taken over and divided by the officials of the time... now it's just beginning to dawn on most people that everyone has been cheated and robbed... but we wanted it ourselves... society always wants change in one direction or another when boredom and stagnation set in...))
Yuri Evseenkov:

The statistical approach and probability theory, I find most fruitful, in terms of making "the impossible possible".

There are three kinds of lies - lies, outright lies, and statistics.
Сергей Криушин:
Exactly, only Russians thought that the market would fairly arrange and distribute everything, so we were indoctrinated by Western liberal technologists.

No one instilled anything in them. They wanted it themselves. Meaning the semi-literate editor of Communist magazine - Gaidar and his ilk. He who pays the money calls the tune. These same technologists played what they were ordered to play. Nothing more.

It is no secret why all this was done. The appropriation of state property by the party and Komsomol nomenklatura. For interest, look up the biography of our father of Russian democracy, Khodorkovsky, on Wikipedia.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

No one compelled them to do anything. They wanted it themselves. Meaning the semi-literate editor of Communist magazine - Gaidar and his ilk. He who pays the money calls the tune. These same technologists played what they were ordered to play. Nothing more.

It is no secret why all this was done. The appropriation of state property by the party and Komsomol nomenklatura. For interest, look up the biography of our father of Russian democracy, Khodorkovsky, on Wikipedia.

Why are you so, and the statute of limitations, and the belief in the correction of personality. In Ukraine, Hitler was rehabilitated, but you cannot rehabilitate Khodorkovsky. That he wants to merge the country, or that he bloodily plundered it in the past, for his personal happiness, and personal pursuit of happiness is a law for them, it is written in their "bible" (Ayn Red, like "Atlas Shrugged"). And you shamelessly interfere with his personal happiness with your desire to exist in prosperity. Shame on you comrades!
In general. It is time to eradicate the ability of people to remember and analyse who did what in the past. The Hodors will heal, the Hodors will heal, the Hodors will heal. That's every five years we can go around in circles, without even having to change shoes.
It's a temple in its purest form.
Although, judging by some, there are those who do not remember anything deeper than 10 years.
They all run around trying to count money, you would think presidents of other countries are paupers.
And they sincerely believe that Hodor could make an effort and allow himself to be less rich than the one he is so nobly fighting against for us mortals. )))
Naive people...Ali are just blessed, who have been blessed by the memory of the past.
What about the statute of limitations, and faith and correction of personality. Hitler was rehabilitated in Ukraine, but you cannot rehabilitate Hodor. He just wants to merge the country, he destroyed it in a bloody way in the past, for his own happiness, while his personal pursuit of happiness is a law for them, it is written in their "bible" (Ayn Red, like "Atlas Shrugged"). And you shamelessly interfere with his personal happiness with your desire to exist in prosperity. Shame on comrades!

Here today, Glazyev said that the dollar should cost 25 rubles. Russian presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev said that the current ruble exchange rate is three times undervalued against the American currency. According to him, the dollar's purchasing power is equivalent to 23-25 rubles. So if it should be, what... hmm... is it not worth it? No one is giving a quid for 25 roubles. Well, folks...

Already now they do not give anything for a ruble, but soon they will give a ruble in the face (Saltykov-Schedrin).

And you say the impossible is possible.

So it's not my fault that the country is under pressure, because it refuses to give it to just anyone.
I say there is no Khodor, he would have switched all of us to the quid, there would have been no ruble, there would have been no problems, and it would have been an indecent position for the masters when they needed it.
And it's not Hodor who has to stand up, it's you and me.
So it's my fault that the country is under pressure because it refuses to give to anyone.
Yeah, no... We don't need enemies. We don't need any. We can do it ourselves. We have experience.
We can't seem to cope if people from abroad decide to help.
What kind of help? Sanctions, they don't want to deliver microchips, parasites. We won't buy cheese from them. Let's see how they dance.
Lilita Bogachkova:

The paradox of omnipotence:

The paradox is usually formulated as a question: "Can a god create a stone that he himself cannot lift?" (I think yes, an infinite cycle of creating and lifting)or

"Could God create a triangle with internal angles that were not 180 degrees in total?"(I think Yes, Riemann geometry).

If Columbus had been asked, "Is it possible to get from Europe to America within 24 hours?", I think with the possibilities of the time he would have said no, but these days any child will say it is possible. The question that follows is, "Did this possibility already exist in Columbus' time or has it only appeared in our days?"Theoretically the possibility has existed all the time but in practice it has only become available today. Is it possible to conclude from this that: Anything that does not contradict mathematics is possible, whether we can physically implement it or not?The possibilities exist whether we are aware of them or not.

It's been a while... What has God got to do with it?! Or has something been introduced here, sorry? I suggest that Lilita consider the origin of her surname not from the word "god" but from the word "rich girl", then we will be closer to the direction of our forum!