Is it possible to do the impossible?


The paradox of omnipotence:

The paradox is usually formulated as a question: "Can a god create a stone that he himself cannot lift?" (I think yes, an infinite cycle of creating and lifting)or

"Could God create a triangle with internal angles that were not 180 degrees in total?"(I think Yes, Riemann geometry).

If Columbus had been asked, "Is it possible to get from Europe to America within 24 hours?", I think with the possibilities of the time he would have said no, but these days any child will say it is possible. The question that follows is, "Did this possibility already exist in Columbus' time or has it only appeared in our days?"Theoretically the possibility has existed all the time but in practice it has only become available today. Is it possible to conclude from this that: Anything that does not contradict mathematics is possible, whether we can physically implement it or not?The possibilities exist whether we are aware of them or not.

Геометрия Римана — Википедия
Геометрия Римана (Эллиптическая геометрия) — одна из трёх «великих геометрий» (Евклида, Лобачевского и Римана). Если геометрия Евклида реализуется на поверхностях с постоянной нулевой гауссовой кривизной, Лобачевского — с постоянной отрицательной, то геометрия Римана реализуется на поверхностях с постоянной положительной гауссовой кривизной, т...
The impossible is not impossible to understand or raise only to God...or the anti-God...

the topic of paradoxes in general is extremely interesting and gradually leads to zen, and teaches you to think open-mindedly

I've been brainwashed by the 1-2+3-4+5 series...=> 1/4

in the unloved terwer and matstat, there are a mountain of paradoxes :-)

A.Einstein writes. "Imagine a completely flattened beetle living on the surface of a balloon. This beetle could be endowed with an analytical mind, could study physics and even write books. Its world would be two-dimensional. In his mind or mathematically, he may even be able to understand what the third dimension is, but he will not be able to visualise this dimension. Man is in exactly the same position as this beetle, the only difference being that man is three-dimensional.

Mathematically man can imagine the fourth dimension but he cannot see it, imagine it visually, physically. For him the fourth dimension exists only mathematically. His mind cannot comprehend four-dimensionality" (A. Einstein. Collected Scientific Works. Volume 4. M. Nauka, 1967).
Maxim Kuznetsov:


There's a mountain of paradoxes in the unloved tervers and matstata :-)

Why have probability theory and matstatistics suddenly become unloved here? Seems to be fine with them here. But with nonsense based on probability theory and matstatistics problems.

What are the paradoxes?

Alexander Voronkov:
A.Einstein writes. "Imagine a completely flattened beetle living on the surface of a balloon. This beetle could be endowed with an analytical mind, could study physics and even write books. Its world would be two-dimensional. In his mind or mathematically, he may even be able to understand what the third dimension is, but he will not be able to visualise this dimension. Man is in exactly the same position as this beetle, the only difference being that man is three-dimensional.

Mathematically man can imagine the fourth dimension but he cannot see it, imagine it visually, physically. For him the fourth dimension exists only mathematically. His mind cannot perceive four dimensions" (A. Einstein. Collected Works. Volume 4. M. Nauka, 1967).

Einstein and the GTR/STO, that's generally cool.

"there's a huge toad flying towards you at 0.97C; can you figure out it's a toad?"

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why are probability theory and matstatistics suddenly unloved here? They seem to be fine here. But there are problems with nonsense based on probability theory and matstatistics.

What are the paradoxes?

They even believe that 1+1=2, given that both units are independent.


Is it possible in MT4 to automatically test an EA in descending order of time being tested? For example from 2015.01.01 to 2015.12.31, next step from 2015.01.02 to 2015.12.31 and so on.

I solve this problem by using the optimizer:

// Внешние переменные 
input bool CheckEvery_Day=false;
input bool TestEachYearSeparately=false;
input int  DayOfYear_=1;
input int  Year_=2009;
// Эксперт функция тик
void OnTick(void)
         if(Year()<Year_ || (Year()<=Year_ && DayOfYear()<DayOfYear_) || Year()>Year_) return; //тестировать каждый год отдельно
         if(Year()<Year_ || (Year()<=Year_ && DayOfYear()<DayOfYear_)) return;                 //тестировать весь период 

// Ваш код 


Choose a time period:

Turn on Optimizer:

We get the result, where you can see how the Expert Advisor passes the test each time starting from a new day:

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why are probability theory and matstatistics suddenly unloved here? They seem to be fine here. But there's a problem with nonsense based on probability theory and matstatistics.

And what paradoxes?

Is this the first time you've heard of TV and MC paradoxes?

Here, have a look. There are many good examples:


Category:Mathematics 11 March 2010

Title: Paradoxes in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

Author: Sekei G.

Abstract: A book by a Hungarian mathematician containing a collection of unexpected conclusions and statements from probability theory, mathematical statistics and the theory of random processes It is written vividly and fascinatingly, the material presented in it can be used to illustrate in university lectures on probability theory, and some sections can be used in the work of school mathematics circles
For mathematicians of various qualifications, for all students of probability theory and mathematical statistics

Download in pdf (11,4 MB ):Sekey G. / Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics

Олег avtomat:

Is this the first time you've heard of TV and MS paradoxes?

Check it out. There are many good examples:


Category:Mathematics 11 March 2010

Title: Paradoxes in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics.

Author: Seksey G.

Abstract: The book by the Hungarian mathematician containing a collection of unexpected findings and statements from probability theory, mathematical statistics and random processes theory. It is written in a lively and fascinating manner, and the material presented therein can be used for illustration in university lectures on probability theory, while some sections can be used in the work of school mathematical circles.
For mathematicians of various qualifications, for all students of probability theory and mathematical statistics

Download in pdf (11,4 MB ):Sekey G. / Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics

And then something himself is able to write in his own words, or only on the links, and on screenshots?

I'm off to read a book now. Most of these paradoxes arise from the author's ignorance, from the incorrect formulation of the problem. You have to open your eyes and mind and there are no paradoxes.