FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 95


What the guy said is smart. Very maybe.

Информация для тех, кто собрался очень высоко и надолго - вчера в февральские опционы ввалили просто сумашедший объем контрактов - больше 5000 в put, причем в цену 1.05. Для медведей ММ весь январь рисовал фигуру, границу которой они сегодня радостно проткнули на 0890 и ломанулись вниз. При этом накопительная дельта весь январь практически линейно шла в глубокий минус - маркет выкупал продажи. Вниз дали не столько догрузиться, сколько снять стопы покупателей, которых налипло просто дофигищи, особенно после повторной попытки ухода к 10ке - ........... жутко возмущался, помнится, когда откатили обратно ))

Today the market just let the bears do the job of taking the bulls down and then showed them that they are extra passengers here too. Now up, only not so far and not for long at all, because the target is different - 1.04-05, and no later than 05.02 - the expiration date of the options. Therefore I consider it as a mutual trick - the bears got fooled by imaginary decrease, at the same time having defeated the bulls. Now the other side will get it too. And I see the tops till 1100 - there was a call-options above 1600 yesterday - here we follow them, there will be a fix and a reversal without special delays - the market is already gained enough sell at the current levels.

Draghi will say a word in Davos today, the euro will go up, another one, then down again)
I think the pound, if it goes north, will take the stops off behind the 42062 level
Oleg Tsarkov:
Draghi will say a word in Davos today, the EUR will go up, then down again.)
He's gonna say, "No change in the rate, all's well. Expect the eu to fall.
He'll say, "The rate hasn't changed, everything's cool. Wait for the euro to fall.
I wonder if he leaks his report to anyone on the eve of reading it. He could make good money)
Oleg Tsarkov:
I wonder if he leaks his report to anyone on the eve of reading it. He could make good money).
Most likely he reads the report from a paper written for him by his subordinates) The European mentality is unlikely to allow him to leak such information.

Plan for today....

Dmitry Chepik:

Plan for today....

It would be good, I have the same plans, except there will be all sorts of twitches cheating)
Limit 0790,limit 0770,stop 0740,target 1017.

sticks... how much is in that word...

I baiked, too.