FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 102

21.00 Moscow time doesn't work?
Of course it'll work, maybe we'll get some tangible action by then, but right now it's boring, no adrenaline)
21.00 MMC does not work?

It's on. There's no movement yet.

The forum is glitchy again).

I wrote a message before this one and it was not visible to me, I had to write two messages )))) I wrote the second and the first one appeared ))) - Looks like we're in for a big rush.

You need to be more cultured, gentlemen.
Karputov Vladimir:
We should be more cultured, gentlemen.

physiological processes will still smell the same, no matter how much the culture !)))

closed the buy on the pound the system shows the bummer for now

Вадим Новопашин:
............... closed the buy on the pound the system is showing a bummer for the bidders so far
That's the tragedy of sportsmen, that's why I'm on the fans - let it roll back wherever it wants to go, the further away the stronger the pose......and the closer Kolyan is.
......and closer Kolyan.
The subtleties of the profession are important everywhere. Snake venom, in different doses, can kill or cure.
The subtleties of the trade are important everywhere. Snake venom in different doses can kill or heal.

I overslept so I could reopen the buy.

I look at the rbp jypa there is nothing upbeat for the pound, a sideways trend at best.

I'm waiting for the pound to hit 42062.

The Auden should have been strangled. but I had no obvious signals.
Вадим Новопашин:

vseravno physiological processes are the same smell as though culture!))

A pound of system displays is bummer bayschikam

It's difficult to translate... and it's not just one language that a bummer has to translate... one has to understand...
Сергей Криушин:
It's hard to translate... and there's more than one language a drummer has to translate into... you have to understand...
I'm sorry, what are you talking about?