FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 937


The forecast for the USSD KAD is downwards.

Decided to listen.))) I have a drawdown...
I decided to listen.))) I have a drawdown...

What do you mean by drawdown?

Did you sell earlier or what?

I've decided to listen.)) I have a slump...
It's nothing, ugh...
What a trifle, ugh...
1.335 wouldn't be change? Where's the t.r.?
1.335 is not going to be a change?

I gave a 3180 entry, 3350 is a 169 p. move (margin?)

and the quid index is hitting the ceiling and sell signals are coming out of the horn on the moon...

TP 2853 - hold to Kolyan!!!

when the *** is going to burst...**** flit...
when is this *** going to flit... **** flit...
You have to be more discreet, you have to be more discreet.

I gave an entry of 3180, 3350 is a 169 p. move

and the quid index is hitting the ceiling and sell signals are coming out of the horn on the moon...

TP 2853 - hold to Kolyan!!!

I have personally seen the index show a floor around 93+-, but I can't see the ceiling yet)
I personally saw that the index showed a floor of about 93+-, but I can't see the ceiling yet)
your index is not real...

I'm responsible for Purple:

Particularly impressed by the multi-coloured arrows.....