FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 753


more precisely: einen Monat, einen Tag


Monate, Tage

Days, months. So
Days, months. So

I mean the name of the turkeys, you don't have me.

Paco, I realized a long time ago that you're a big Euro fan.

What, where's the market balance?

Why the balance? Are you buying before 33 or selling before 1.3?

I get it, you're not buying or selling, you're locking.)

What difference does it make to you where I buy and where I sell? ))

You can't tell me shit!)))

You're just babbling.


Strange, come out! The enemy is defeated!


I don't get it - what are you impressing me with? Your stupidity? You've succeeded.

And I'm your enemy?

No, I'm not.

But you can't tell me if you're buying or selling, and me and Strange show our deals, and you just talk.

Fuck you?!!! Show me one? Especially from Oldy? And as for the talking, why don't you justify it? And prove that you're not a twat?
Do you sell or buy? I showed you - I buy up to 1.45, and you?
show me the deal, talker?
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2016
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2016
  • reviews: 1
Скриншоты торговой платформы MetaTrader.
show me the deal, talker?
You won't say as I understand it.
And what's this? Where's the deal? Preferably not on the demo.

all buys at the bottom, but above the price, there are pauses and up to the take, which is red.

So are you buying or selling, huh?

post facto, you're going to shit all over it?