FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 748


And now the states rule over there:

They rule everywhere, that's why I think this holiday is just an excuse to get drunk.


They rule everywhere, so I think this holiday is just an excuse to get drunk.

We'll always find a reason for the vodka)

Too bad I don't drink yet...

It's even funny to read it now (2006)

But no matter how funny it is, some people still think the ruble is cool.
Show the euro forecast. GDP(De) coming up, where to go???
It's even funny to read it now (2006)

But no matter how funny it is, some people are still pretty dumb and think the ruble is cool.
The rouble is really cool, only for Vovchik, he lowers it when necessary along with us and then yells with his gang that we fulfill our obligations.
It was about the ruble as a tool of trade. Money can be stored in anything. Keep it in hryvnias - so help you....))))
What man in his right mind would trade it on Forex? Especially now? In January 2015 I would have understood

Yeah, it was hard not to get it there)))))

First of all, the spread from sunset to sunrise is the first sign of illiquidity....

There is no point in ruble steaming))))).

The question here is who needs it anyway? It is not traded on any stock exchange other than the Moscow one. All the rest are fairy tale dreams... Well (maybe) they will sell oil for it. So what will change? Nothing will change!
The yuan is now a reserve currency. So? So what?
So we rub it for a red flag during a flat period on other currencies. If we want to trade it, we should do it on the demo. When they start selling something for the ruble, they will tighten the spread and swap. It would not be a shame for them to trade there.
Swap has been and will continue to be. We are not going to lower the rate to zero. What if they do? They'll smoke the '90s.
They will, just wait... Russia does not have the mentality to make 0.1% profit on a rouble invested))))
Well wait a minute... don't rush... life isn't over yet. All the currencies are down. Can you imagine the potential here?

And who has what in Russia - that's nobody's business...
An oil pipeline will go through Europe, maybe a miracle will happen then.)
A stick will be thrown at them. A miracle won't happen. You're not in a fairy tale.

What are they going to build it for? Mischka said there's no money, so keep your pants on, kids. He burned down the office, you little brat.
There's money in it, don't worry.)