FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 183

Thank you very much
Server Muradasilov:


Thank you
Hi all on the pound as I wrote earlier and we'll go... +50 somewhere to that figure, have a good day... audi I would consider too)

not so good...

Hussars +100 at least...

Also moderately puffed up...

The cussars are usually with integrity))) here's the pricing on the futures and delta from the beginning of the year on it=the direction, and at first 144 is clear what all see))) except that they should descend to 1415-1410 before that kind of bribing there))) I will look inside the day, so far so good for today)) in general the whole picture is clear)))


Audis for sale? Got some live ones after the holidays.))

First warrant for tr 739


Audis for sale? Got some live ones after the holidays.))

First order on tr 739

at 7,525 stops, in lent at ninza 42 contracts in buy...

7752 stops above...


at 7,525 stops, the tape at Ninza has 42 contracts in the buy...

7752 stops above...

I'll leave the deferral at 7525 (good number)).


ECB lowers the rate to "0"
The ECV has dropped the rate to "0".
That's what I was talking about=))