FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1288

Movlat Baghiyev:
Listen, how do you send him a picture in the mail? Maybe you also know........ it's just text.
Listen, how do you send him a picture in the mail? Maybe you know how to do that, too. ........ It's just text.
I sent it somehow.
It's all gone somehow.
Yeah, thanks!
I've sent everything in a bit.
I'm not too keen on fans - what's their use in two or three words if you don't mind, or a picture too if you don't mind...please
Movlat Baghiyev:
I think a good tool ....handy for identifying pivot points and targets ...
so good, something from Fibonacci levels - well, too all approximate as some kind of helper... there are very few references to these fans... although once there was a chart with a fairly profitable curve...
Movlat Baghiyev:
Why do you need someone else's curve?)
Question - I don't know... probably just to understand it better... why can't you look at other people's curves?
Here we go!
Guys, it's not a Fibonacci fan, it's an order fan. That's a completely different story. Renat will explain if he wants to. The fans have moved on, all gone. Good luck!
Movlat Baghiyev:
start with this,а then just draw your own conclusions from the drawings
Thanks to Movlat Baghiyev... No need to troll - I already know this. The question was not about trolling and Vadensu...