FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2016 - page 1178

If you don't have anything to say, it's better to keep quiet to look like a sane person.
Write something on the subject for once.
Write something on the subject for once.

troll, you're not the one to judge.

closed my buying of the pound... may be a correction, but I just don't like the announcement of the second Scottish referendum... ...opened on nzd/cad sell... for those of you who are blindly following a tip from others, I warn you, I'm a 'long termist'... I've got a long way to go on this shit... so use your head instead of trusting others... ... For those who look for their own brokerage firms, I would like to wish them a culture of communication with others, maybe not as advanced in trading, but with a broader purse ... you are not in your flat after all... why are you arguing in public...? private messages are fine for that... And insulting others, maybe even your future "business partners"... why? ... .
P.S. For the grammar mistakes, sorry... ... especially since I've been using it since morning :)... Sincerely... .
Well yesterday I was talking about USD|JPY rising

I can't find Ilya's post on these pairs, but Ilya was right (a month ago somewhere). "Everything fell down" just like he said.

Respect to both him and the sailor!

The check has taken place.

Feel free to use Sailor's Tool.



I can't find Ilya's post on these pairs, but Ilya was right (a month ago somewhere). "Everything fell down" just like he said.

Respect to both him and the sailor!

The check has taken place.

Feel free to use Sailor's Tool.


You're kidding!)) You say all the turkeys are rubbish, then you say use them... and then you say you don't get it))) How can you understand if it's 7 Friday's in a week...
Movlat Baghiyev:
I mean it's a joke))) You say all the turkeys are rubbish, then you say use them, and then you say they don't understand you.

just to be clear, the intraday was mentioned earlier

in the last post about the medium term

we should not pay attention to the performance of fx-markets, they are losing in the medium term, whatever way you look at it.

i can't even go to the market to buy an fx marker, i don't want to compare it to a chart indicator.

Mowlat, stop laughing if you are not a horse or am I wrong?

After all, I am talking about serious things and we are not in a circus.

By the way, the henna shouldn't be touched at all, it's in a flat.

Look carefully at the screenshots above. There are more than a thousand points of profit on both of them. You, as far as I understand, regarding the pound, it's the opposite.


To be honest, it's like at the lessons at DTs, they show charts and say, "See how I made money here and how great it turned out ... and you got 1000 points at a time .

I'm telling you from the point of view of an ordinary man.


I can't find Ilya's post on these pairs, but Ilya was right (a month ago somewhere). "Everything fell down" just like he said.

Respect to both him and the sailor!

The check has taken place.

Feel free to use Sailor's Tool.


I don't know if it's just luck. I understand you're not going to prove anything.
Movlat Baghiyev:
I don't know if it's just luck. I understand that you're not going to prove anything.
All my work on this strategy, of course, I'm not going to post it here. But it's been done. If you're interested in the details, I'm ready to continue the conversation via private message.