Why do 95% of traders lose? - page 13

Andrey Luxe:
Now it seems to me that this statistic is overstated.
There are far fewer people earning a steady income from forex
Then it is rather understated, I earn less than 96% and by the end of the year it will be even less than 97%.

Because these activities are informalised. And most people work well only by instruction, the prime example being the bullhackers ))

I did the math once. It's very crude and doesn't take much into account, but I think the figures are close to reality, at least for the year.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Because these activities are informalised. And most people work well only according to instructions, the prime example is bullhackers ))

An accountant is a creative profession - you need to be able to create a whole World for the tax office - the instructions just form a possible shell...

Get rid of stereotypes ;)


An accountant is a creative profession - creating a whole World for the tax office is something you need to be able to do - the instructions just form a possible shell...

Get rid of stereotypes ;)

Aleks, I'm not young and I've had a lot of booch girlfriends. I am talking about them. As a rule, they are unscrupulous, they act according to instructions. I once asked a friend to develop a scheme for tax authorities long ago - she said there are rules and she does not want trouble. I had to do it myself))

I do not know men from accounting field, I believe they develop ideas. Knew a lot of 1C programmer guys, smart, but noticed they have some inferiority complex to C++/C# programmers.

I'm zero in accounting now, don't know 1C, so just memories.

Are you from that field or is your spouse there?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Aleks, I'm not young and I've had a lot of boo-friends. I am talking about them. As a rule, they are unscrupulous, acting according to instructions. I once asked a friend of mine to work out a scheme for the tax authorities long ago - she said that there were rules and she didn't want any trouble. I had to do it myself))

I do not know men from accounting field, I believe they develop ideas. Knew a lot of 1C programmer guys, smart, but noticed they have some inferiority complex to C++/C# programmers.

I'm zero in accounting now, don't know 1C, so just memories.

Are you from that area or is your spouse there?

As a director of a small business in the 90s, I was convinced that every manager must master the art of chief accountant first and foremost. Otherwise, the enterprise is finished, either by the efforts of the chief accountant himself or by the tax authorities.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Aleks, I'm not young and I've had a lot of boo-friends. I am talking about them. As a rule, they are unscrupulous, acting according to instructions. I once asked a friend of mine to work out a scheme for the tax authorities long ago - she said that there were rules and she didn't want any trouble. I had to do it myself))

I do not know men from accounting field, I believe they develop ideas. Knew a lot of 1C programmer guys, smart, but noticed they have some inferiority complex to C++/C# programmers.

I'm zero in accounting now, don't know 1C, so just memories.

Are you from that field or is your spouse there?

I'm talking about good accountants... Basically only knew three women capable of thinking creatively in that field.

Yes, I've been in this field for a long time and when I was in technical school I was lucky - my accountancy teacher taught me to think block diagrams - to calculate the whole chain of actions. The university abstraction in the same discipline is child's play compared to this approach. In the 90s, we were taught to know the law so that we could make money: the teacher said that it was easy to learn the rules of the law, but to master the art of finding holes in them: this is what an entrepreneur needs and on which your salary will depend.


. that learning the law is easy, but mastering the art of finding holes in it is what an entrepreneur needs and on which your salary will depend.

And for some reason everyone thinks that tax officials or investigators do not know about these holes. :)
Petros Shatakhtsyan:
And for some reason it seems to everyone that tax officials or investigators are unaware of these holes. :)
Yes, they do, these holes are used as a basis for their left-wing salaries!
Alexey Busygin:
They know, those are the holes their left-wing paychecks are built on!
It can't be helped, that's the way the world works.