Activations of a product purchased from the marketplace were taken away - page 3


I give you 100 rubles and I get 3 kg of potatoes. I ask what's the matter? The woman says, "Oh, honey, the liquidity of potatoes in the market has dropped, the price has increased, so I sold you 3 kg for 100 rubles, so the goods have not been fully shipped.

Yes. I also have the goods in my hands, right? The only question is how much I have.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Artyom -- rule 3.3."The purchase of the Product does not imply the acquisition of rights to the Product. The Product is transferred to the Buyer solely for the Buyer's personal use. "

There can be no "hoarding" here.

Andrew, as you can see, I'm not defending or justifying either side or the third party.

I was thinking about the reason for this situation, that it could have been because of the "hoarding", otherwise it's hard to explain such multi-activation at a time.

Well, maybe the person also has an office and decided to put the purchased program on each of his computers in the office. He decided before the purchase - it was just the right amount... You never know...


I give you 100 rubles and I get 3 kg of potatoes. I ask what's the matter? The woman says, "Oh, honey, the liquidity of potatoes in the market has fallen, the price has increased, so I sold you 3 kg for 100 rubles, so the goods were not shipped in full.

So you're also alone, what are you doing with 5 kilos, you'll eat too much?! Take three and don't come here again, sweetie!
Karputov Vladimir:
Don't confuse concepts - the product, i.e. a product from the Market has been "shipped". You have downloaded it. And I don't see how you can use up five activations in one go: Do you have a farm of computers at home?

no not a farm, but several vps

I think your service is 100% wrong. I didn't get the product in full.

timohin Timohin:
So you're on your own too, what are you, five kilos, you're gorging yourself?! Take three and don't come here again, honey!
Do you have a farm at home? 3 kilos is enough for you!
timohin Timohin:
So you're alone too, what's with the five kilos, are you gorging yourself?! Take three and don't come back here again, sweetheart!
You're such a cock-sucker.
Artyom Trishkin:

Andrei, as you can see, I am not defending or justifying either side or the third one.

I was thinking about the reason for this situation, that it could have been because of the "folding", otherwise it is difficult to explain such multi-activation at a time.

Well, maybe he owns an office and decided to install the program he purchased on each of his computers in the office. He decided before he bought it - it was just the right amount... You never know...

Well why is it hard to explain five activations at a time? For example, I have three computers. I often use them at the same time, e.g. for testing, optimization.

Why five activations in two days -- and immediately suspicion of "hoarding"?

Multi-install (as Renat puts it) is not necessarily a violation of the rules on "personal use".

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Why is it difficult to explain five activations at a time? For example, I have three computers. I often use them at the same time, e.g. for testing, optimization.

Why five activations in two days -- and immediately suspicion of "hoarding"?

Multi-install (as Renat puts it) is not necessarily a violation of the rules on "personal use".

Of course! Otherwise, what is the point of even making 5 activations per product. Do one activation for everything, then.


In essence, this is what happened: a person bought a licensed product, which came with additional goodies (no matter what). Next, the seller of the product decided that enough freebies were enough. And those who had time to buy a license with bonuses were taken away from them.

Or, if you're talking about the dough at the bazaar, the next day a grandfather came to the customer with a gun and said with a wink that the rates have changed...


I give you 100 rubles and I get 3 kg of potatoes. I ask what's the matter? The woman says, "Oh, honey, the liquidity of potatoes in the market has fallen, the price has increased, so I sold you 3 kg for 100 rubles, so the goods were not shipped in full.

Activations are a protection of the user's right to realise their personal use of the product, not a right to install the product at full capacity. Activations involve the goodwill of the seller for the goodwill of the buyer.

Purchases for personal use.