FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 973

Gulnaz Akhtyamova:
No. I was reincarnated.)
do you want to join the european union?
Gulnaz Akhtyamova:
No. That was me reincarnated.)
Cut it off or lost it?
Do you want to go to the EU?

We decided to go to Egypt for a trip. I've been to Germany) It's a bit expensive to go to the States.

I'll just learn the least squares method first.)

Метод наименьших квадратов (МНК), линейная аппроксимация.
  • Владимир Михайлев
Экспериментальные данные о значениях переменных х и у приведены в таблице. Используя метод наименьших квадратов , аппроксимировать эти данные линейной зависимостью y=ax+b (найти параметры а и b). Выяснить, какая из двух линий лучше (в смысле метода наименьших квадратов) выравнивает экспериментальные данные. Сделать чертеж. Суть метода...
Did you cut it off or lose it?

I've been to one place (you could say I cut it off and lost it), now I've found it in another, but I don't want to lose it in the old one again)))

do you want to join the european union?
Mon général, for what? ))))
Mon général, for what? ))))

Nah, just asking...


"We are seeing the end of the quarter, and it is often characterised by unpredictable fluctuations as asset managers begin to 'decorate' their financial statements with funds under management. Towards the end of the year or quarter, in order to make the portfolio look more presentable to clients, asset managers start selling stocks carrying heavy losses as well as buying highly quoted assets. They then tell clients that these are the assets they have been holding to buy throughout the quarter. Such strategies only increase the scale of the American indices fall, which recently show not very attractive dynamics." Alena Afanasieva FC
Source: Forex Club GC - "Review of September 28: Please blame managers for the fall of the indices..."

Any opinions on this subject?
Обзор за 28 сентября: в падении индексов прошу винить… управляющих
Обзор за 28 сентября: в падении индексов прошу винить… управляющих
Валютный рынок вновь оказался под давлением страхов, что и привело к возобновлению спроса на безрисковые активы. Хорошую динамику показали евро и иена, причем единая валюта все же попала под первоначальное давление в связи с результатами выборов в Каталонии. Как стало известно на выходных, каталонцы проголосовали за партию, поддерживающую...
Yuri Evseenkov:

Any opinions on this?
there is - drink!
have a drink!
A toast from you. Preferably on the subject.
Yuri Evseenkov:


Any opinions on that?

There are, but our stock doesn't even look like a piece of paper). Definitely better to look at price fluctuations than a flat.

It's not clear about falling indices at all. They are flat so far.

And you can join in on the 'drink', easily)