FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 665

I gave him the idea for the most popular thread. People are going to be pounding away on the forex. They'll be discussing in the same thread, so they'll have a starting deposit again. What if somebody makes a million?
That's a good one.)
By the way, there is nothing funny about it! 10, let alone 10 - even at a stable 2% a day can become a currency millionaire in a couple of years.)
a quid is enough to make a million out of it) but it is fun
Alexander Laur:

18% of the deposit per trade. A profit of 16.4 pips.

It's a doll to see if I'm sure of the direction. :)

man, you're risky!!! and overconfident :)
a quid is enough to try to make a million out of it)
is that sarcasm?
is that sarcasm?
Come on. 1 quid is 100 cents. Make it 3% a day and the competition's already started. I'll join in.
Come on. 1 quid is 100 cents. Make 3% a day and the competition's already started...
cents for cents... it's all about the percentage.
I, like a true Jedi, do everything purely after the fact :)

The Audu, that's a possibility!
Great! However, I no longer understand what direction you're trading in. Explain in simpler terms. I, for example, am flat buy. I'm a buy trader. Do you trade both ways too?
cents in cents... it's all about percentages
The only condition is compulsory monitoring of the account (please, no details on trades, equity and balance, and hare).
Alexander Laur:

Well, I've been chiselling this strategy from your thread (10% a day).

No confidence at all!

I just know what to do if the price goes seriously against me. Oh, how hard it is to accept a loss!!! :)

i don't understand - so what do you do in these cases? do you take a loss?
I don't get it - so what do you do in these cases?
Cutting a lamb, making a kebab, drinking lots of firewater and going to open a new account))))