FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 410


stranger, I don't understand the hit-and-run. My opinion of your persona in the current dialogue with me is the anxiety of losing face in front of an audience.

Relax - it is impossible to know everything, and the sooner you realize it the sooner the calmness comes, which is essential for productive creation.

I will not ask you any more serious questions.


Maybe, but it's an OTC transaction then... I don't think there are very many of them.

Still, I wonder how many go out on delivery if their position is not in the money? Or is there a negligible number of them? Why might it be necessary - for example to reduce taxes, if a movement in the right direction is expected in the long term.

Why pick on the man? See the trailer
Told the guys to go short on the Bucks early...

stranger, не понимаю наездов. Моё мнение о Вашей персоне в текущем диалоге со мной - тревожность утратить лицо перед аудиторией.

Расслабьтесь - всего знать невозможно, и чем раньше это осознаешь тем быстрей приходит спокойствие, которое крайне необходимо для продуктивного созидания.

Больше никаких серьёзных вопросов Вам не буду задавать.


stranger, I don't understand the hit-and-run. My opinion of your persona in the current dialogue with me is the anxiety of losing face in front of an audience.

Relax - you can't know everything, and the sooner you realise that, the sooner you'll get the peace of mind you need for productive creation.

I will not ask you any more serious questions.

Read some books on options, should I retell them to you here or what? If you have money, who can forbid you to write an option? What do OTCTC trades have to do with it?

These are not serious questions, like "why the sky is blue" and "why the birds don't live in the pond?


Read the options books, do I have to retell them to you here or what? If you have money, who can forbid you to write an option? What does this have to do with over-the-counter transactions?

These are not serious questions, like "why the sky is blue" and "why the birds do not live in the pond, I do not know the answer.

Vasiliy, a student, gave Fedor a book called "Life by Zen" by Daisetsu Suzuki. Fedor asks Maxim what he should do with the gift.

- Put it in the toilet," Maxim replied.

An enlightened Fedor did just that.


Vasily, a student, gave Fedor the book "Life by Zen" by Daisetsu Suzuki. Fedor asked Maxim what he should do with the gift.

- Put it in the toilet," Maxim replied.

An enlightened Fedor did just that.

Drop this "About Maksim and Fedor" to them, let them read it, they don't want to read about the market, tell them).
Guys, I'm not your interpreter of dreams and fantasies, the direction given to you, dig, I do not need to ask about anything, the information you can get from books, articles, forums, blogs, etc., search help, the matches there, and the conclusions for practical use, I certainly will not write.
Send them this "About Maxim and Fedor", let them read it, they don't want to read about the market, tell them)
В. Шинкарев "Максим и Федор" > Библиотека Лотоса. Системы развития человека. Современная эзотерика.
  • Lotos, Лотос
Сайт Лотоса. Системы развития человека. Тадеуш Голас. Напоминания

A most sensible read))

Barabashkin, read it, you won't regret it)))


A most sensible read))

(Read it, you won't regret it)))

I will. I will.

Added: And for reading, I'll use Microsoft Edge's new reading list feature.