FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 223

strategy? it doesn't matter where you come in. medium term....

7338 TR to put on Audi for today...

2,953 TRs on the loonie for today's sales...

and the pound gave it to someone...

sell it for a kickback:

of course...
that's a strategy only Matroskin knows...
only Matroskin knows this strategy...
and do what? Call Uncle Fyodor from the city?
What should we do? Call Uncle Fedor out of town?

he's not interested in rustling around)

Make some money and then we'll tell you about it.

that's a strategy only Matroskin knows...
He's a photo-jerk. He's been lighting up all his entrances in an hour.
your Matroskin was a photo-jobber. he lit up all his entrances in an hour.
I'm not showing any more - after I've updated my photoshop)
who doesn't believe in chif sticks, doesn't sell the eu...
who doesn't believe in chif sticks, doesn't sell the eu ...

well at last)))) only speculator turned around to buy. And a lot of people sold today, that's why we keep quiet.... //I sold while everyone was still asleep )))

No problem at all, it's still flat...


well at last)))) only Speculator turned around to buy. And today a lot of people have sold, so there's silence.... //I sold while everyone was still asleep )))

No big deal at all, still flat...

Whose is it? there's a takeover point (mentioned above) today and i'll sell more from there...