FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 225

Nikolai Romanovskyi:
It's been a fun day for the Euro.)
The pound and the canadian are happy today, even though I have not traded in the canadian before
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
It's been a fun day for the Euro.)
The pound and the canadian are happy.
he was a photo-jobber. he lit up all his entrances in an hour.

well, i wouldn't say that when i met him in crete=)

eh... nice place.

Roman Busarov:
well i wouldn't say that when i met him on the crete=)

I think so too, and screenshots he correctly later posted, no need to spoil)

GopFX __:
The sorcerer in the sandbox was making mud pies
The Chinese stock market collapsed.
It's about time we opened accounts in Chinese currency.
Roman Busarov:

well, i wouldn't say that when i met him in crete=)

eh... nice place.

crete is cyprus?
Crete is cyprus?
it's Greece=)
the euros are starting to get interesting...
I'll have to smoke it again, I don't know if I've hit the line.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
I've got to smoke this stuff, it's not in the line.
well sell the pound while it's still expensive ...

There is talk of another reserve currency being launched in the autumn. What kind, I don't know... maybe they're just scratching again.

Что станет с долларом в октябре 2015, когда появится новая резервная валюта
Что станет с долларом в октябре 2015, когда появится новая резервная валюта
  • 2015.05.05
Международный валютный фонд является одной из самых закрытых и влиятельных организаций в мире. Он следит за финансовым здоровьем 185 стран мира, устанавливает глобальные правила денег и обеспечивает помощь нациям-банкротам. 20 октября 2015 года руководство МВФ, как ожидается, объявит о появлении резервной валюты, альтернативной доллару США...