FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1914


Another conversation between the mute and the deaf.

1 Refuting the obvious is silly.

2 The correlation is ORDERED to be 1 with a vanishingly small difference.

3 Who the fuck cares, speculative volumes or hedge volumes.

4 That's right, if you don't know how to do it, don't do it, you'll be meat.

And who are the hedgers? Where do you see them?
Who are the Hajjers?
You really don't know, or are you just kidding? Judging by the phrase about the worm, you know. Please, if you do, don't waste my time. I gave you the example of farmers a couple of pages ago, you said it wasn't interesting.
You really don't know, or are you just kidding? Judging by the worm phrase, you do know. Please, if you do, don't waste my time. I gave you the example of farmers a couple of pages ago, you said it wasn't interesting.
I misspoke, where did you and Nostradamus see any speculative volumes, hedgers?

Another conversation between the dumb and the deaf.

I don't know which one of us is blind-deaf-dumb


1 Refuting the obvious is silly.

At least we agree on one thing and that's good.


2 The correlation is DEFINITELY set and equals 1 with vanishingly little difference.

By whom is it set and with what lag?


3 What the fuck difference does it make, speculative volumes or hedge volumes?

The difference is simple. One moves the price (but not the hedger, but the spot), and the other jumps behind him, and some advanced ones crawl after the latter...


4 Correct, if you don't know how, if you're afraid, don't take it, you'll become meat.

I don't get it here... What am I not good at? Or is this an attempt to insult?

I misspoke, where did you and Nostradamus see any speculative volumes, hedgers?

Don't get me started on him, I don't agree with him at all. What he said about speculative volumes on the stock market is nonsense.

And you can see the hedgers in SOT, the commercial column.


Don't get me started on him, I don't agree with him at all. What he said about speculative volumes on the stock market is nonsense.

And you can see the hedgers in SOT, the commercial column.

Well, can you calculate the net position of these very "hedgers" and other groups?

And when you do, ask yourself who has the downside of your positions.

The hedgers are found.


I don't know which one of us is blind, deaf and dumb.

At least we agree on one thing, that's good.

By whom and with what lag?

The difference is simple. One moves the price (but not the hedger, but the spot), and the other jumps behind him, while some advanced traders follow the latter - creeping...

I'm confused here... What am I not good at? Or is this an attempt to insult?

You're deaf, I'm dumb, or vice versa, pick what you like.

Arbitrageurs with a lag time to work out the HFT algorithms and spread the signals between exchanges.

Show me how you can catch this difference and I'll agree with you (I mean processing time, not volumes).

You don't know how to use futures volumes. No hint of insult, advice.


Come on, can you calculate the net position of these very "hedgers" and the rest of the groups?

And when you do, ask yourself who has the downside of your positions.

The hedgers are found.

Let's use the word "you", it's more democratic.

Of course not, they have positions not only in both legs, but also in the optics.

I've been trying to find them at DB, but I can't. Although maybe you don't need to.

Who's got the flip side of my positions?


Let's use the word 'you', it's more democratic.

No of course, they have positions there not only in both legs, but also in the ops.

I keep trying to find them in DB, but I can't. Although maybe you don't have to.

Who has the flip side of my positions?


What's a DB?


You're deaf, I'm dumb, or vice versa, whichever you prefer.

I seem normal, if the medics don't lie...


Arbitrageurs with a lag time to work out the HFT algorithms and spread the signals between exchanges.

Does that mean that there is also a lag between the spot price and the futures price, in the form of arbitrage and exchanges?

Who use this information before giving it away, and obviously not in favour of traders... Or do you have a better opinion of them?


Show me how you can catch this difference and I'll agree with you (I mean working time, not volumes).

Of course, the volume argument is over. And for the time, how many times does the price of the futures change in a minute?


You do not know how to use the futures volumes. No insult intended, advice.

I don't find it necessary to use information I don't trust... Agree, that's different from - "don't know how to".