FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1784

Alyosha couldn't dance...
He was terribly ashamed of it)))
But how HE sang!

Sing Alyosha... sing...

you're delusional.

what is the best price and for whom is it the best price?

What's the best price? Where did you hear this nonsense about the best price and from whom?
I have an indicator of dough in my pocket, and who goes where, you and Ilya and Dobrynyushko can discuss it)))
This indicator often dominates in primitive individuals, such as cats, dogs, rats and the like. It's called instinct.
Admins, ban the morons already.
It has become impossible to read the thread.


Do you dance?

Do you sing?

It's too late to tell.
question to question - nikarasyo!!!

what is the best price and for whom is it the best price?
In short, fuck off)))
Alexey Busygin:
It's too late for that.
Eh... Alesha)))
charge your brain, if you have any, and answer the question:

what is the best price and for whom is it the best?
In short, fuck off))))
hilarious... you took a long time)))
Alyosha couldn't dance...
He was terribly ashamed of it)))
But how HE sang!

Sing Alyosha... sing...

If that rat bites you one day, know that I advised it.