FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1783

Alexey Busygin:

Are we playing tennis or something?

better answer a question with a question if you don't know

Alyosha... don't be stupid...
Do you dance? (Yes/No)

Drink some water...

1120 is owed...

Why water, I took the money out, it's the holidays though)

Vasya, buy from 1.07, the target is 1.1040 (nearest), smoke)

What's your brother Dobrynya doing again? ))))))

Alyosha... don't be stupid...
Do you dance?
You tell me your name before I give it to you.

Why water, I took the money out, it's the holidays, though)

Vasya, buy from 1.07, the target is 1.1040 (nearest), smoke)

What's your brother Dobrynya doing again? ))))))

So, the growth has not justified itself, we go back to the start value?
Alexey Busygin:
You tell me your name before I define it for you.

Alyosha... what's so complicated about a simple question?
Do you dance?
Or are you ashamed to answer?
Or do you sing?

Alexey Busygin:
So the growth has not justified itself, are we going back to the starting value?
I have a dough indicator in my pocket, and who goes where, you and Ilya and Dobrynyushko can discuss it)))
Vasi, what's so complicated about a simple question?

what is the best price and for whom is it the best?

Vasi, what's so complicated about a simple question?

what is the best price and for whom is the best price?

What's the best price, are you delusional?)))

What do you mean by "best price"? Cause I'm not really sure about that question))


Alesha... what's so complicated about a simple question?
Do you dance?
Or are you ashamed to answer?
Or do you sing?

Your new name is ZNBPLR

Alexey Busygin:

Your new name is ZNBPLR


Do you dance?
