FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1791


Good morning!

mmmoguschiy-new, I understand that Old Man put you on depot. You're a fool, but why me?

I don't know what you mean, sir!
Poured on it, try
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Server Muradasilov:
Poured on it, try
I don't know what you're talking about, sir?!

Why did you insult Saxaul, don't play dumb, you don't have to.


Why did you insult Saxaul, don't play dumb, you don't need to.

А? Huh?

Thanks, he does not remember what he ate yesterday, never mind))))

Only why do you throw everything on these glitchy Yandex disks, throw at normal nesntatnyy fileshare, and when the 20 megabits you can not enter, then how it sucks it looks.

What's glitchy?

more sales pitched in:

I may still have to.
Expected... Brent pierced 42.

Expectedly... September Sechin's pictures turned out to be nothing but complacency)))

That's the end of fairy tales... and whoever listened well done.

What happens next... will tell... Alyosha the Lucky)))

Might have to do some more.

3511 debt at 4 o'clock, above that all clear so far...

I'm selling without a second thought...