FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 161

Anatoli Kazharski:
First category non-carbonated. )
Watch the lads on the pound now)
See how the lads are going to go crazy on the pound now).

It's about time, it's about time. The flat is getting really annoying... // It's hard to get used to long positions, but it's still the best option.

Tolyan also advised to go down to 1.27. Tempting, of course, but probably it is necessary to wait till the flat and see if it may or may not break through

They may have to wait till the flat.)

I'll keep an eye out. )


Tolyan also advised to buy the moon to 1.27. Tempting, of course, but we should probably wait out the flat.

I haven't advised anyone on anything. You can buy if you want. I don't rule out an update of the highs. But I don't care. ;)

Anatoli Kazharski:

I'll keep an eye out. )

I haven't advised anyone on anything. You can buy if you want. I don't rule out an update of the highs. But I don't care. ;)

Come on )
Come on ) )

It wasn't advice. But you can take it in that form if you like. ;)

I don't give advice as people go crazy for it. )))

Anatoli Kazharski:

It wasn't advice. But you can take it in that form if you like. ;)

I don't give advice as people go crazy for it. )))

No, a prediction is a prediction. Let's observe.

There's a lot of trolling here, but the interesting thing is that forecasts fly between the lines.

We do not forget about it and after a while the main part of discussion starts about forecasts (it may happen differently, up to insults, but that's what this thread is famous for)

Anatoli Kazharski:

It wasn't advice. But you can take it in that form if you like. ;)

I don't give advice as people go crazy for it. )))

That was a piece of advice - don't smear!!! Don't be a maggot!!!

Anatoli Kazharski:

You can buy it if you want. I don't rule out updating the highs. But I don't give a shit. ;)

This is a guessing game.
GopFX __:
That was advice, that was advice - don't smear yourself!!! That's a big word, isn't it?

Now that's a guessing game.
Yes, it's such a special "guessing game" designed to introduce doubt so that you don't know what to do. )))
Anatoli Kazharski:
Yes, it's such a special 'guessing game' designed to introduce doubt so you don't know what to do. )))
villain - not honouring the rules - predictions are either deliberately wrong or post facto!!!
Anatoli Kazharski:
Yes, it's such a special 'guessing game' designed to introduce doubt so you don't know what to do. )))
Actually you're right. It's likely to take a long time to get this level. Look for yourself - how long they were pushing the previous high. Half a year or so. That's why, until the price drops more than 2 figures or the breakdown of the high of the 8th year occurs, it is really impossible to say anything definite about the Moon. But I suggest to buy from the pullbacks for now.