FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1264


what volumes are you talking about? are you looking at tick volumes?

Index - it's a synthetic indicator - volumes may be on components (euro, yen, ... ), flash-boys will send you a zero-volume indicator - they don't need to feed arbitrageurs ...

All indicators are synthetic. We do not have any other.

Perhaps you have some insider information that you are keeping secret from us.

I would not even think that you are trading at random. )


We'll get it all together, little by little, there and there...

Need I remind you of the levels?

I don't need to be reminded of anything.


All the indicators are synthetic. We don't have any other.

Perhaps you have some insider information which you are keeping secret from us.

I do not even think that you are trading at random. )

Do you use indicators? Then we are coming to you.


Well, you overdid it with the pessimism, because not all the dashes in the screenshot are there. There is also intraday, which is more powerful, but shorter term.

Around 07+, where you have all yellows crossed, would have taken next week)

What volumes are you looking at laughing or ticking ?

I don't trade at all ... is it trading ....


What volumes are you looking at laughing or ticking?

I don't trade at all ... is it trading ....

There are four indicators in the "Volumes" indicator folder.

I use all of them. You can use any of them.


I reckon the audit here will be muzzled and yanked up next week.


There are four indicators in the "Volumes" indicator folder.

I use all of them. You can use any of them.

Agents say 1.54-1.543 zone is resistance. Sold.



There are four indicators in the "Volumes" indicator folder.

I use all of them. You can use any of them.

these are tick indicators ... a lot of people think they're crap ... thought you were looking at volumes on the Chicago SME futures exchange - like Strange and K do