FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1251



You set up the terminal, you throw out the mA, voilà.


That's what the teacher thought when he was little))))))))))))))))

But HE thought so because when HE was little, there were no computers and dinosaurs were running around in the jungle...

Alexey Busygin:
Does anyone want to buy the eu?

If the second red one comes off, I'll take it...


will first take my TR, then...


The teacher thought so too when he was little))))))))))))))))

But HE thought so because when HE was little, there were no computers and there were dinosaurs running around in the jungle...

hee_hi ka_li ur_ki ))) thu ur_u_ki))


will first take my TR, then...

The circles in the picture, the sticks?

hee_hi ka_li ur_ki ))

Heehee to you, and little HE used to draw prices and wags with a bone on the sand at the entrance to his cave.

I think he's doing about the same now)

Server Muradasilov:
So Ilya asked, but no one responded.
The question is how complicated the strategy is. As far as I understand, I need a large bar and a Fibo overlay? I tried to search for it but did not find anything. I have no idea if the strategy has some subtleties.

To you hee-hee, and little HE used to draw prices and wags with a bone on the sand at the entrance to his cave.

I think HE is doing more or less the same now)

He would have done it, and he didn't go bankrupt ;)
The question is how complicated the strategy is. As far as I understand it needs a large bar and fibo are superimposed on it. Tried to spin it, couldn't find anything. I'm sure there are some subtleties there as well.

subtlety is our everything!

try it on a different plane)) though ...

I would have made it, and I didn't go bankrupt ;)
HE is mighty and great, the Master taught us everything, but evil people here destroy any mention of HIM...