FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1199


Determine for yourself and keep your opinion to yourself unless you have been authorised to be the judge for others ...

"pointless fuss" - for you all topics are robots, sticks, - all that YOU don't like is "bollocks" "pointless fuss"

This is YOUR point of view - no one has asked YOU to say it, and you don't just say it, you bang on about it ...


Create a branch on the stick and admire them there if you want all day).

What's easier.

And I personally, as I said this is pointless fuss yo and I do not give a fuck who likes it - a branch on the stick and there mussolte.


I'm totally aghast. There is a market, futures, derivatives, spot, OTC market, macroeconomic indicators, economic and political decisions that directly affect the price. Let's discuss, I'm all for it, and I think a lot of people are.

Go for it.

Sticks. Up.



2 years ago on the 4... believe me, the thread very quickly turned to shit. then my and Stary's titanic ibukh saved them from total oblivion. thoughts, directions, turnaround zones - that's the theme. as for illya, i often don't understand whether he's for the whites or the reds.

You have to be dumb not to understand it, I did not want to and I did not want to. If the stick is up and then down, then we set aside the fibo targets and sell, if tomorrow the stick is up again, then we buy, and we scratch our heads what to do with the sales, if the day after tomorrow the stick is down again, then we have to sell again and scratch our heads what to do with the buys, etc.
Better look out for audi at 7045-60.

Yes, the Audi is worthy of consideration.

I would even risk lower designation 7024-7015 and somewhere up to 7800-7850,with consideration of a refill on a bounce from 7268,7361-7370,7604.



2 years ago on the 4... The topic is the thoughts, directions, turnaround zones. as for illi, i often don't understand whether he's for the whites or for the reds.

Monitoring is plugged in (signal or Majorbook) and you do not have to put anything if you do not want to - on red in some people's signature is ... and there will be no words about photoshop ...

"thoughts, directions, turn areas", that's the topic, yes, and the thread consists largely of "trolling" and finger-pointing and "it didn't fall from the sky for me - I won't give you snow in winter"


monitoring plugged in (signal or majorbook) and you don't have to post anything if you don't want to - some people have it in their signature on red ... and there will be no words about photoshop ...

"thoughts, directions, turnaround zones", that's the topic, yes, and the thread consists largely of "trolling" and finger-pointing and "it didn't fall out of the sky for me - I won't give you snow in winter"

Nobody gives a shit about anybody else's trades, again, no signals, no monitoring.

I gave you what I had originally. You did? I did.

So what's the problem, me or you?


Yes, we'll live by your rules. Ilya, don't worry about him, he's a decent trader with good pictures and forecasts. I am hazing here. I think everyone puts out what they think, that's the title of the page.

Strange, if you have created this blog for yourself, you should have said so in advance, so that you could gather your church members here and tell them how not to run around on the field with naked buttocks. And we, other dissenters, could have created another thread if that was the case.

Narrow-minded gentlemen, you want a working method on a silver platter, there is no such thing.... until you get there yourself...
Server Muradasilov:

Yes, we'll live by your rules. Ilya, don't worry about him, he's a decent trader with good pictures and forecasts. I am hazing here. I think everyone puts out what they think, that's the title of the page.

Strange, if you have created this blog for yourself, you should have said so in advance, so that you could gather your church members here and tell them how not to run around on the field with naked buttocks. And we, other dissenters, would have started another thread if it had begun.

He has already told you how it works. What else are you going to discuss? ))))

You already figured it out with the sticks, why should we bother with them?

This thread is for everyone, if you like xc sticks, talk about them, but I'll pass, strictly trolling.