FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1121


Who drowns in what, that's what's in the buys.

I laughed to tears a couple of years ago at this news:

Firewood instead of gas. A photo report from the first energy independent city in western Ukraine

Have you ever laughed at this one?

Новости / 18 октября, 11:00 | В России проходит благотворительная акция «Подари дрова»
Новости / 18 октября, 11:00 | В России проходит благотворительная акция «Подари дрова»
Присоединиться к сбору средств в пользу пожилых людей, которым не на что купить дрова, призывает и Первый канал. Пользователи Интернета реагируют неоднозначно. «Сотни сельских жителей живут в нищете, пенсии или пособия недостаточно даже, чтобы отопить зимой дом: покупка и доставка дров на зиму стоит около 5000-6000 рублей», - указано на сайте акции. Ее организовало волонтерское движение Тверской области «Важное дело». Сейчас проект собрал около 224 тысяч рублей
When will the pound go down already? I thought it would be clear after the head of the Bank of England's speech((

Did you not laugh at this one?

The Echo of Moscow is well known to the opposition, it's common for them to turn everything upside down. But we can help them with the firewood.

you don't know...

another herd of KOOKL leads the way to the slaughter, have a safe journey...

Ahhh, stupid me.....
Why on earth would the Euro bulls go down?
Chart EURUSD, M1, 2015.10.20 10:41 UTC, E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc., MetaTrader 4, Real
Chart EURUSD, M1, 2015.10.20 10:41 UTC, E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc., MetaTrader 4, Real
Symbol: EURUSD. Periodicity: M1. Broker: E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc.. Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4. Trading Mode: Real. Date: 2015.10.20 10:41 UTC.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Why on earth would the Euro bulls go down?
Greetings, are you using stops? now they will gather as much as they need and then of course they will go down
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Why on earth would Euro bulls go down?
Yusufkhoja, nothing can grow without pullbacks, healthy growth is interspersed with corrections, so quietly buy at 1.12-1250 and do not be bothered by the spurts movements)
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Why on earth would the Euro bulls go down?
And, what on the m1 can the whole layout be discerned?
And, that on the m1 the whole layout can be discerned?
There are no tf, they are only present in the programmes and in the brains of some of the spurs)
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Why on earth would the euro bulls go down?

Yusufkhoja, I'm sorry, but the top purchases are a dud.

Yes and the bottom one is not good either.

I agree to buy the euro today at 1.1250 and no higher.