FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1013

I don't know. it showed up in the morning - bought it, wrote it off. at cd levels I look at it. why would I want to predict an intro hour?

Well then let me know when the unis go.
TR1250 - real, fast...
i was thinking the same thing.
Bottom line is the trend is falling, sawtooth.
Thanks guys.
Владимир Жириновский:

Well, let me know when it goes down.
I was thinking the same thing.
Bottom line is trending downwards, sawtooth.
Thanks, guys.
You can send me the credit card number and I'll send you the money. Are you going to work?
Selling? Grieving for you, my son.
Is this a joke? Can't you see it says buy stop? What sale are we talking about?
Владимир Жириновский:
What the fuck is a buy stop at the top, better to use a buy limit at the bottom.
There where the buy stop (1,1198) it's time to think about sal )))) For me such a variant with a stop is not acceptable (a lot of lost profits).

Just where to close.
Draw .

Thanks guys!
I have a sell to 1.1030 on my TA, TS.
Владимир Жириновский:

Well, let me know when it goes down.
I was thinking the same thing.
Bottom line is trending downwards, sawtooth.
Thanks guys.
You're really twitchy, change your owl or whatever. Sell, boo if possible and smoke. Otherwise you'll burn your nerves.
That's no way for Teachers to thank
poocan ))
You can send me the credit card number and I'll send you the money. Are you going to work?
Already started salting. But I think it's too soon (((
Vaz & Azfaraon, thank you kind people for the explanations, savsem adichal adnako))))))
AUD/USD buy stop 0.7135
i don't know. it showed up in the morning - i bought it, i wrote it off. at cd levels i look at it. why would i want to predict an intro hour?
how do i know the direction from the volume?