FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1938

Hi Captain! Two rays are drawn from the beginning and end of the previous movement. The question is, what are the rules of their construction?
Hi. It's like Gunn's first and second velocity is NEXT and OTHER. And it is constructed in fifth grade geometry - the isosceles triangle from the median of the channel is the first velocity and the square root of five is the second. There are equal segments used where the blue squares are. This achieves invariance - invariance of parameters when scaling by price and time (no matter how the graph is clicked, model parameters will not change).
throw in your canal template...
Ilya, there is no template in the sense of where to put the dots, nor can there be one. I'll send you the colours, no problem.
CHF1.tpl  10 kb
Ilya, the template in the sense of where to place dots - it does not and can not be. I'll let you know how to colour it, no problem.

I know how to place dots and where, it's not difficult

I'm interested in your settings from the chart...


Nikolai ,

what do you think about robots ? do you have any ideas that you would like to "robotise" or at least you would be interested in statistics on history ? if yes we can try ...

It's the holidays, trade = 0

Nikolai ,

what do you think about robots ? do you have any ideas that you would like to "robotise" or at least you would be interested in statistics on history ? if yes we can try ...

In the early days of trading I used to use mql & qpile.

I don't see the point, because I'm not able to algorithmize it clearly. The system parameters should not depend on optimization, should be stable and repeatable. The boundary conditions and the target function must be clearly formulated. It's like in an automatic control system - once you leave the given constraints, the system goes down or runs out of steam.

Not yet.

Hi. It's like Gunn's first and second velocity are ON and OFF. And it's based on fifth grade geometry - the isosceles triangle from the median of the channel is the first speed and the square root of five is the second speed. There are equal segments used where the blue squares are. This achieves invariance - invariance of parameters when scaling by price and time (no matter how the graph is clicked, model parameters will not change).

This is the first time I've heard about Gunn's velocities, but never mind, it's not about that. So the basis of the plotting is four points: the two extreme points of motion, the opposite corner of the square and the middle of the time side. In this case, for the lines of motion, the angles cannot be equal to the opposing angles, according to the same 5th grade geometry. But for the contraflow lines, the angles can be 1/1 and 1/2 only if a fixed scale is applied to the square on all TFs. 1 cent in 1 day for example (Gunn has it that way), but in this case on different TFs the square will visually turn into a rectangle. Here is an example of the same Gann's angles at different TFs:

Visually the corners are different, but the bindings are rigid, which allows you to look at them down to the minutes without redrawing.


In my early days of trading I wrote in mql & qpile.

I don't see the point, because I can't clearly algorithmize it. The system parameters should not depend on optimization, should be stable and have repeatability. The boundary conditions and the target function must be clearly formulated. It is like in an automatic control system - as soon as you leave the given limits and the system falls down or goes to pieces.

Not yet.

It should not depend, but it should be able to optimise too.
Alexey Busygin:
Why ask for an opinion? To spit again?
Who did I spit at?????????
Вадим Новопашин:
Who the hell did I spit at????????
So far it's an attempt to provoke, clowns and Cheburashka will come and spit and shit on